
Nothing is going to change on that front. Republicans are showing their asses and Dems are letting their constituents know where they are on their priority list.

Also: “And our continent was tamed by farmers.”?? Genocide and deforestation = “taming.” Farmers: Continent Whisperers.

I wonder if Trump actually believed he could silence all people who could ever damage his reputation in the future. When you’re a poor and in debt like him, it’s not like you can really offer them hush money. You just beg your stupid lawyer to pay them off and tell him you’ll pay him back one day.

Unqualified lesbian? Is... is there a test? Do you need a certification? A license?

Jesus Christ:

As of Monday morning, a picture book written by Vice President Mike Pence’s daughter — a story of the family’s pet rabbit that teaches children about the office of the vice president — is ranked No. 15 among books on Amazon. In the No. 1 spot was another book about the same rabbit, but in this case Marlon Bundo is

There is only one woman I’ve worked with in my entire career (and I’m in my forties) who didn’t ever seem to feel a Mom Penalty. She worked nonstop, answered e-mails at all hours, and rocketed through promotions. I couldn’t understanding how she was doing it. Eventually I found our that her two kids were in a boarding

“I just don’t think it’s necessary,” Mitch McConnell said, after defending the Special Counsel. “I don’t think Bob Mueller is going anywhere.”

By arresting and deporting their workers?

I mean excuse the fuck outta me for not wanting to chime in on the work that a woman who very publicly suffered a mental breakdown may or may not have had. I’m way out of line here, I realize that now.

That is bullshit.

When my uncle got married they had a two tier cake, one fruitcake, and one Victoria sponge cake. His wife and her kids decided they were having the Victoria sponge, so told us lot on his side of the family that we were to have the fruit cake. When the marriage fell apart a couple of days later, he brought his tier of

You hear that? That’s the sound of freedom!

I know there’s a lot of people that really believe in abstinence only education and “just say no to drugs”.

I don’t give a shit if she got work done. She looks amazing and works hard for that figure, I’m sure. Get it, Britney. Get. It.

It won’t.

Every time!


Nah. It may change, but only for men. In one of my other replies on this article I noted studies of leave in academia and how, when leave time (in the form of a stopped tenure clock) was granted, it increased the men’s chances of getting tenure by about 20%, while women’s chances fell by a similar number.

So much this! I have chronic pain and I have been extremely lucky to get relief from medical marijuana. It’s expensive AF, but the docs, pharmacists and dispensary staff have all been amazing, I can get more whenever I need it, and there is no one accusing me of being a ‘drug seeker’ for asking for Tylenol 3