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Good thing there’s a better book choice out there for all of us, just in time for Easter-

How do you think he gets thru the day?

Or, ya know, get ya a Bundo bunny boy who likes other bunny boys:

Also, you know what that wascally wabbit is really thinking…

The female version of that body would be shamed over and over.

Hmmm maybe just me (being some who writes her own songs) but I wouldn’t be insulted by Katy’s remark. She could have easily referred to T-Swift as an “entertainer,” rather than acknowledging that she actually puts work into her own music.

Is it shade if it’s true, though? Like I don’t like Taylor as a person either, but I think she’s a pretty good songwriter (or at least she used to be - I haven’t really liked this album/most of the last one).

Bundo is a patsy. They’re setting him up to take the fall.

Unfortunately, no one but the authors can permanently pull you out of the grays, but approved commenters can Star your comments and pull them up on that article. However, commenters you reply to directly can see your gray comments (they are also notified), unless they dismiss them. Fair warning there has been a bug in

I tend to agree with Sam Foster up thread that this is more about protecting assets that a sudden awakening of principles on the part of these wives. One married an actual Trump, the other married a long time Trump employee. You don’t do either unless you’re fine being married to lying trash as long as you get a cut

I’m mad too but don’t hate the player, hate the game. It shouldn’t be possible for the President to hire any old person to any position they see fit. That’s a flaw in our system that I hope gets fixed someday because the assumption that every President would take his right to choose seriously was disproven when Dubya

Even if Obama went golfing every day, wearing a tan suit and never stepped in the White House in 8 years our country would’ve still functioned better.

Bingo. My first thought when I read the news.

I wonder what the divorce rate of the different administrations is? It would be pretty difficult to assess, but I bet the Obama administration had the lowest, simply because he hired mature grown ups with impulse control

This guy started as 45’s caddie and is now the WH social media director? For fuck’s sake, the Community Relations head (so basically the social media director) for the school district I work for has a master’s degree and there are FIVE schools in the district. 45 has a freaking golf caddie overseeing this country’s

Glad to be there for you, girl.


It always comforts me to talk things out and to know you’re not alone. It makes me feel less crazy and less alone.

This is all legal, and has been recorded as legal for a long time. As long as they don’t technically lie in court, they’re allowed to falsify evidence as much as they want to.

I think you just hit upon something comparing your mother to your friend. If our families of origin treat us shitty, I think this is what we expect/almost seek out in life. My mother was the breadwinner while my father was a non-working drain on the family. Fast forward and I find myself in the same situation :( The