
*weeping* thank you short. This does help.

Your long comments = deflection

It sounds to me, piecing together a lot of things you have said about her through the thread, that there might be a whole other issue here — substance (opiate?) addiction/abuse. Is that a possibility? Maybe it doesn’t matter if she won’t get help anyway.

I. Hear. You. I read: During a difficult time in your life, you weren’t supported. You have extended yourself in kindness and been rebuffed. Your friend has built a support network that you are not part of. It’s ok. Painful, but ok. You can choose to respond if she reaches out, but taking time to heal and focus on

Thank you short.😢 

Oh we’ve been codependent as fuck. I did her hair for her first wedding while she was consoling me thru my divorce. I held her together when her husband left with his knocked up 17 yo and took her baby. I distracted myself from my new-found terror at being alone in a ‘big’ city by helping her thru her divorce. She

Sigh. Well, you already made some good moves in unfollowing her etc. Hoping for the best for you.

May I gently , non-judgementally suggest something? YOU DONT DESERVE THIS TREATMENT!

Money laundering for the Russians since the 90s. No need for a signed agreement with Putin — Putin would never allow something like that to be put into writing; he already has all the leverage he needs on Donny Two-Scoops. And Mueller will follow the money trail on his crooked real estate/money laundering deals — this

Hope it’s not to late to reply, I really think you have given enough time, energy and emotions in this friendship. I have similar health and mental issues as your friend and have a horrible time with med side effects etc. However I do not become cruel and hurtful to my friends. There are definitely times I have leaned

I mean, she doesn’t seem aware that there’s anything wrong. Having you tell her that and disappear might be the push she needs to realize something’s up. But if she’s not going to hold herself at least semi-responsible for her actions during an episode, she’s always going to be on the severe end of mental illness and

We could see this coming when the White House announced that he would be staying in DC this weekend with ZERO events listed on his public schedule. Dude has been binge watching cable news for 30+ hours and is essentially live tweeting his breakdown.

Forever tho? Short I love her still, I just hit the point that I flinch when I see her name on my phone. If she’s gone I don’t know if I have the balls to try for a friend irl again. This feels so very middle school, but Jesus!

Just don’t read the replies. Resist the urge. It does nothing but inflame and infect, like psychic scab-picking. You already know what they will say, so save your blood pressure.

And if these casting directors knew anything at all, they’d have cast Day-Lewis as Hawkeye, creating an immortal frontier hero who learned archery from the Iroquois, served as a surgeon in Korea, and somehow became the least appreciated of the Avengers. Then the MCU would expand to include all of the Cooper stories,

The level of stupid of the American people is something that historically, never ends well.

Hawkeye & Hawkeye, an upcoming Marvel M*A*S*Hup.

I hope they don’t cast Trump. Just show his tweets on screen between scenes.

There is no point in debate or discussion with these people. They have spent decades pretending that science doesn’t exist and opinions are equal to facts. What’s the fable with the frog and the scorpion? They are scorpions, it is just who they are now, the only solution is to let them drown.

I clicked on Brennan’s to tweet like and re-tweet, and happened to scroll through the comments. Holy shit, some of these Trump supporters. “Everything is fake news unless it comes from Herr Overlord himself!” “Show me the proof! Right now! See, you have none!” “Good job draining the swamp! You’re doing everything