
She might have had depression, perhaps post-natal, or perhaps she was just fed up of her husband dragging her to the middle of nowhere and then being stuck in the house with a baby, and six foot of snow outside.

It’s cute that you must be condescending in order to make an otherwise cogent point.

Even the Democrats don’t want the baggage that Clinton brings (imho). But we do not have a viable, charismatic contender, yet, and it is fairly late in the game. It is worrying.

The fact that so many women of color have been banned from Jezebel makes me really uncomfortable about posting here, period. The fact that black and brown women are silenced makes me feel like continuing to participate in this space- which I love! and I love my fellow jezzies!- is me turning a blind eye to the white

People continue to ask why women do not report their sexual assault and harassment by men.

It blows my mind that financial advisors not only don’t have to have their client’s best interests at heart, they fought the rule trying to get them to, and somehow people are still using them.

so you’ve seen her work?

It’s also very possible there aren’t any emotional fissures between them at all and this is simply a business transaction to move their assets into her name before they’re frozen or seized. Neither is contesting anything which means they probably had everything worked out before hand. Now that’s not terribly unusual

Also, if you’re already talking about something that Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, then calling it “unhelpful” just creates an additional redundancy that you don’t need.

I read the WaPo story on WH feuding and it flat-out pissed me off. Trump wants cabinet members who are ‘fun’ and ‘look good on TV’. He >enjoys< the chaos of insecurity and feuding. This smarmy lying reality star is just fvckin’ around with our GOVERNMENT gettin’ his cheap little ego-boost kicks.

And just to be sure, I was a functioning addict for about fifteen years. You’re functioning until you’re not.

I’m a recovering drug addict, so no judgment at all, but you’re an alcoholic. People that I went to rehab with thought that they were fine because they were just blacking out a few times a month, it’s not fine. I really recommend personally evaluating why you drink so heavily.

Are you all really going to not mention Louise Slaughter’s passing, or did I miss it somehow?

Appreciated! No worries. Screening mechanism. 😄

I noticed that 1. that article didn’t get as many commenters as usual and 2. the commentary about the number of The Root members who can’t actually comment there has been soundly ignored.

in the book the movie was based on, Forrest Gump was a wrestler!

Nope. Still trash.

Aw, thanks!

I think I have another contender for what to call wypipo. Now stick with me here. “Gumps” as in Forrest Gump. I’ll list the reasons.

Pretty sure every JezeRoot post has just been people talking about how shitty everyone from Jezebel treats everyone from The Root. So...that’s going smoothly.