
Why am I seeing Calveiro is being lucky to have seen all places she got to see despite the debt she ran up?

Eagle from the Muppets or Chris Noth

I feel like the actor playing Jared should have a much blander face than Shia LaBouef. I don’t have any other suggestions because so can’t think of anyone is Hollywood whose face is the equivalent Cream of Wheat.

Let’s fantasy cast the summit between Kim Jong Un and Trump! If it happens, that shit’s gonna be wild. I feel that they’ll like each other... do narcissists stick together? Alec Baldwin for trump- he can do both drama and comedy, which I think will be important. Jennifer Lawrence for Ivanka, for similar reasons. Not

It’s been a less than stellar couple of months but finally something fabulous coming up... my puppy’s 4th Birthday is this week! I took for her an extra special spa bath experience today. I know she doesn’t know any different, but it makes me happy to make a big deal about it. She’s consistently been the brightest

We IKEAhacked a learning tower for our toddler. Now she can help in the kitchen, sort of.

My (adult) daughter and I will be headed to Amsterdam next week and I’m pretty sure weed is a possibility. Problem is I’ve half-smoked a weak joint twice in my life — once at a Police concert in 1984 and again at music festival in 2017. I must have done something wrong because I felt nothing at all. I’m a little

I like the optimism of us lasting long enough to do an “historical drama” of this time.

I <3 U so much right now. XD

All I know is Michael Cera = Jared

Seconding the request to post SNS earlier. Once again too late for me, and I’m off to bed. Have a great evening, everyone- I look forward to skimming through the comments in the morning!

HOw do you break up with someone? Someone who is sweet and lovely and caring. Who cares deeply about you and who you love holding close and taking care of, but who you know isn’t the right match for you down the road. Do you give it time? Let it come to a head? See if you’re overthinking? Or do you cut it off straight

They’re punishing us for International Women’s Day Solidarity Strike Mojitos.

Book Club!

I just got out of a Wrinkle in Time and it was amazing. I loved it, but i wish it was longer

So I was really enjoying Dave Letterman’s Netflix series, “My Next Guest Needs No Introduction” until tonight. His first woman guest. He was so awkward, kept talking over her, kept bringing up his son, not letting her answer questions and making Taliban jokes. I cringed through most of it. I’m so fucking tired.

“Jeesus...these assholes are whiter than I am!”

Meanwhile meanwhile, Hillary Clinton had promised to appoint women to half of her cabinet posts

“...trump has appointed more women to senior-level government and campaign positions than previous administrations.”