
Sally Field is the Flying Nun, Sister Rita.

Mueller, my chaste-life-relationship dearest, you know I would never, never question your assemblage of your case against everybody in this administration, but I’m really getting scared. If you could just arrest Donnie Junior or Jared that would help me sleep at night.

Every time we’ve tried to make an agreement with North Korea, they’ve reneged on the deal or broken the agreement or backslid somehow. But no American President has ever been fool enough to meet with them directly, and it’s always been at the level of “their diplomats lied to our diplomats, shit went back to normal.”

I know Trump doesn’t know this, but nothing will piss the military off more than canceling their Veteran’s Day 96(-hour libo, a 4 day weekend liberty period for troops) than calling them in to march in some dumbass formation. This is supposed to be a 4 day weekend for the troops, not something they have to spend a

What exactly do you think Senate Democrats did to pave the way for Gorsuch? Gorsuch wasn’t confirmed because they caved, he was confirmed because McConnell deployed the nuclear option and prevented Gorsuch, or any future SCOTUS nominee from being filibustered. And at that point what exactly were Democrats in the

Stop watching. Be vocal of the stoppage of watching. Vote. That’s about it.

To us, until now, it was a weird afternoon off. You guys made it seem like leaving early was your form of solidarity, something that most of us absolutely do not have the luxury of doing.

Like honestly, why the “sorry you have to do without our hard-hitting journalism for the afternoon, we’re taking it off!” tone when what they could have said is “we’re going to this event, this is how we are showing our solidarity, and we’ll come do some cool writeups for you all after”? That would have been great!

Why do you have to be a dick? Your readers had a legit bone to pick with you all just disappearing while other women had to finish out their day.

The problem isn’t striking in general, it’s just taking a few hours off in the middle of the day. That’s not a real strike, what the women in the photos are doing is a real strike. Jezebel writers tend to come from well off backgrounds, they could have done more rather than a few hours off. It came off as

Woulda been cool to see some coverage from that.

I don’t know why you’re trying to lecture a Spanish speaker on this one. Just because the word “triste” is in the sentence doesn’t magically make every verb subjunctive.

So I guess this is my chance to rant.

“they had to get me, a gringo, to write it, in a part of the U.S. with a Hispanic majority.......”

That’s great! To be fair, none of that was stated in the above. And the tone, seemingly directed at the readership, was like a passive aggressive “you’d miss us if we were gone!” Of course we would, it’s why we were all upset you all left us - your compatriots in this fight - hanging with this immature ass article on

Legalizing marijuana is an important part of reducing the opioid crisis, but it is not a complete solution all by itself. We need to combine it with other strategies. Unfortunately, if your AG is against legalizing CBD oil, it’s unlikely they want supervised injection sites, more funding for public rehab, or even to

Brb, screaming into the void.

This word may not have made it’s way across the pond, but there is the British slang word “dench” after the incredible Dame Judi Dench.


Ehm, I have submitted this correction to Jezebel before (in a title, nonetheless), so... maybe buy mugs for the whole office?