
If you have money with Fidelity or other firms who hold a substantial portion of Sinclair stock, you can voice your pleasure there. If you own stock sell it and let everyone know why. You can also contact the networks—ABC, NBC, CBS. Most Sinclair stations are big-network affiliates. Let the networks know you will not

I find the hyper stereotypical femininity of drag queens grating too. I don’t see any part of me in it, I see a caricature of womanhood by people who have no idea what it’s like to live the shitty parts of it.

Yes, it make me feel that we should be the ones grateful their existence when in fact, they are getting paid here because of us, all they do is posting notes from other people’s news.

I spent part of today taking my oldest girl, home from college, out to lunch and having an hours long conversation about her love for mechanical engineering. We discussed what ‘aggressive’ and ‘bossy’ can do when you back it up with your own confidence in what is right. To know that the only way to deal with knee jerk

...Because she made a statement about not liking the work of one man? K.

This RESONATES with me y’all cause I am negotiating a job offer right now and I have pulled out all the stops. It’s International women’s day and I am feeling STRONG.

So what you’re saying is... Kelis can now bring all the boys to her farm with her own locally sourced milkshakes?

I would agree on Arizona. April is currently like batshit crazy and keeps spiraling further. I hated April for so long, then sometime around her hooking up with Jackson the night before her boards and starting to run the ER, she grew on me significantly. If her and Jackson aren’t getting back together I don’t know

I’m having Criminal Minds flashbacks.

They are still popular though. Boot out Owen, Maggie, Jo and all those terrible interns. These are unpopular characters that no one likes and no one is invested in. April is one half of the most popular coupling on the show right now.

I remain convinced that something in the union contract/sales contract required Univision to offer Rich a spot and they assigned him to Jezebel hoping he’d quit. Since that didn’t work, I assume they’ve stolen his stapler and moved his desk to the basement.

I’m in a weird funk but I don’t feel like celebrating international women’s day. To be perfectly blunt, I think this wave has failed. So much of what was once accomplished seems to be disappearing everyday. Even today another state basically eliminated access to abortion. Another million some women have lost control

Oh like Miss BlackFace gives two shits! She’s trying for a book deal.

Maybe Pompeo’s pay had nothing to do with their firing but to imply that it was only a ‘creative decision’ is bullshit. If Grey’s needed to trim down its cast, it had a lot of unimportant and unpopular characters to choose from. Owen, Maggie, Jo, all those awful new interns. These characters have either had nothing to

i wrote to them last week about this — my sister is deaf and it was really grating on me. to their credit, i got a really fast response. i was told it had to do with changing the platform they host videos on (this rings true to me as i just went through it with my organization changing our web hosting) and that they

The very end of that clip — where the interviewer asks her son something like, “What’s not being said? What don’t people know about this woman?” and he answers, “Nothing that I want people to know.” That was dark.

Warning, disturbing video, but this also happened today:

Korea is a good choice. Go for it.

I feel the opposite and I’m probably going to have a different group of people come at me. But I’m so fucking sick of men that I’ve stopped liking drag queens because there’s an element of it that is men performing a man’s idea of what a woman is. And I’m just over men’s opinions of women.