
Girl, why?

A turnip would be miles and away better than trump, I ‘ll pass on the t-shirts

Jerry Springer was a politician first.

I don’t personally disagree. I also take a small amount of joy in the idea. Like fantasizing what I’d do if I won the lottery, or maybe had an actual prized dream come true.

That’s an interesting take. Maybe you should address your concern to White women specifically. Considering that White women were/are majorly represented in Oprah’s fandom, and 53% of White women believed a misogynistic, bigoted, celebrity with zero political experience was qualified for the highest office in the land,

He knew his shit. That’s different than popular and a good speaker. I don’t know her knowledge of the political system, but she should have it in order to run. You shouldn’t just be cool to win. You should have knowledge of our system. I don’t have that and legalize is baffling to me. Obama did and worked hard getting

There have been rumors for years that he raped a young actress in a hotel room in the 1940s/1950s.

It’s been rumored for years that he raped Natalie Wood.

My mom sat on the couch next to me, listening to Oprah, tearing up because she’s one of those unnamed single moms who worked her ass off to make sure I went to college and had every opportunity. Which made me tear up. So now I need to go out in that world and be the biggest badass I can be, so I can make Mom and

Am I the only one who was shocked that they chose to recognize Kirk Douglas this year, of all years?

With the show clearly running too long, did anyone else notice what segment they DROPPED in order to fit their time allotment?

I live in Atlanta, no one wants him there. Traffic is already going to be borked because of the game and now POTUS. And to make commuting even more hellish, they’re predicting freezing rain in the AM. Many of the schools have already closed for Monday. I just wish my employer would close.

My 8 year old daughter was next to me and when she said some little girl might be watching this and be inspired my daughter looks up and says I don’t even know what this is and went back to reading her book. She’s stone cold.

As a Georgia fan, I stand in solidarity with you.

Heard that some people are saying Trump is going to disown Eric and adopt Stephen Miller. I mean, I dunno. Sounds crazy. But some very good people are apparently saying it. The best people.

 One of my girls is down there in Hotlanta – he’s always butting into places where he’s not wanted. I’m so happy he didn’t go to the Kennedy Center Awards so Ms. deLavallade and Gloria Estefan and LL could celebrate in peace.

To add more information regarding the male international editors Jon Sopel in the US earnt £200-250k and Jeremy Bowen in the Middle East earnt £150-200k while given that neither of the female editors had to disclose their wages it means they earn <£150k each.

Roy Moore didn’t want to go anyways; there’s a local high school game that same night.

Let us all thank and indulge this grown ass man for his curiosity about a teenager’s tits.