
As a longtime Today viewer I’m not at all surprised. All kinds of rumors, especially in the past decade. On the other hand, if anything comes out about Al Roker I will truly be sad.

Seriously, we’ve been hearing about Lauer for years. No way they don’t know he’s an asshole. And double fuck him for the way he went after Clinton as opposed to trump. Guthrie did the same shit. Clinton comes on, and she gets serious face and puts on her big journalism pants. Fuck. These. People.

Fuuuuuuuck no. I don’t think Guthrie seems teary but if she does it’s only out of relief. I sincerely believe the Today Show folks - particularly the women - are either fantastic actors or victims of Stockholm Syndrome.

Friendly reminder, relationships between superiors and subordinates are presumptively coercive!

But NOW who will dress in drag next Halloween??

Yes. I had a tingly Spidey sensation that this was only a matter of time for Lauer. And reporting on this sort of shit about other men for the past few months must have had him shaking in his little peacock feathers.

Was waiting for this story on Jez. This just drives the message home. Trust no one.

I would have to assume that NBC had plenty of evidence, even if it’s circumstantial, to make this move. Social media seems to be full of people deriding NBC and siding with Lauer because he’s “guilty before proven innocent”. It wouldn’t be a stretch for them to have known about rumblings and, given the current climate

I heard this was coming about 2 weeks ago. NBC knew. Up until this point, I had also only heard about him having consensual relationships so this one is a surprise for me.

Matt Lauer’s firing was about as expected as Donald Trump’s incompetence. Figuring out who sexually harasses women isn’t very difficult to predict. Lauer consistently gave Trump and O’Reilly a pass on their shitty behavior while grilling HRC about emails and telling her to keep her answers brief.


I saw a story about this earlier and am still in shock. Matt Lauer. Man I know I shouldn’t be shocked by anyone being accused but man I would have never guessed

Ann Curry like

Does anyone buy, for even a minute, that Guthrie and the rest knew nothing about Lauer’s long-rumored issues? Please. Burn it all down. Starting with rapist trump.

When this whole slew of accusations started, I thought the reaction to Lauer’s inevitable ouster would say a lot about whether or not things had actually changed. I am cautiously optimistic...

Twitter get your $$$ out of your head and ban that idiot already. I am sure some advertisers would even take advantage of situation and advertise more on a “trump free” platform.

You know, I’m beginning to think that Donald Trump isn’t as great of a person as he says he is.

I’m not sure if I’m more shocked by the snuff film being retweeted, or the one of the Dutch Muslim beating someone up. The first is just a horrifying thing for the fucking President of the United States to tweet out. I mean...he’s the fucking president!

As long as I get my tax cuts. I just need to become a multinational corporation.

That’s so sad about the labrador, but sometimes it is the only decision that makes sense. We had 2 dachshunds growing up (wieners represent!), the younger was 6 or 7, the elder about 14/15 when my family immigrated to Canada. My dad arrived there about 6 months before us and the dogs were due to be shipped once he had