
We disagree about that, but okay. There’s plenty of greed in investing, but there’s nothing particularly greedy about having a basic IRA or other retirement account so that you can save enough money to not die in poverty. There are also plenty of other values-based investment opportunities that have too low of a

I don’t see how this is bad...?

Is this actually a story about greed though? Lists like this are meant to be an aid for people who want to restrict their investing to companies that share their values. This story is only about greed if you think all stories about investing are about greed.

All I can tell you is that I know it’s bad because Dorri McWhorter, chief executive of YWCA Metropolitan Chicago told Reuters, “When women thrive, whole economies thrive.” Actually, women don’t deserve decency, respect, and fulfilling lives because it’s good for the economy, but because it’s good for them.

I don’t see anything wrong with it as it just might incentivize companies to act right. I am so bored with this so-called populous movement.

I am betting that the Trump companies will not be in this fund?

This seems like a great idea that will have a ton of unintended consequences.

My best mate recently moved back from the UK with her husband. She arrived a few months after him because she wanted to wait until their menagerie had cleared quarantine. Plus she had to have her 15 year old Labrador that she has had since we were teenagers put down because she was deemed unfit to fly. Migrating with

Now if only San Francisco will follow suit...

Wait - NYC was a “Footloose” town? Is de Blasio the new Kevin Bacon? 

...with a night Judge Judy?

No! Doesn’t he realize the dangerous combination of alcohol, jazz and dance upon the moral character of young people? It’s a gateway drug to reefer smoking and serial murder!

When I show up and start dancing, they’ll ban it again. I make Elaine Benes look like fucking Baryshnakov


It’s 2017, and this law just didn’t make sense

Will there also be a night court?

Nobody puts DeBlasio in the corner.


Huh, I sat next to someone recently coming home from EWR who fits your description your not from Australia though, are you?