
He took the account to a Michelin rated restaurant and tried to empress them. I picked them up in my crappy old car, took them to the country in Texas to a family restaurant, and still got the deal. I’m not that good, he’s just that bad.

Really. Kylie Kar, Kylie Konvertible, Kylie Krew, Kylie Konvoy. So many Ks, so little effort.

Please continue to brag about that. I love it sooo much.


I would think after that whole Lena Dunham fiasco, celebs would know better than to publicize that stuff.

I hope Meghan followed procedure with rehoming the dog. Every rescue I know doesn’t allow you to give the dog to anyone, you have to give it back to the rescue.

Truck is going to be her babie’s name isn’t it?

At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if they somehow allocated money for jumbo-sized screens on every other street corner so Trump and State Fox News could broadcast directly to the people with the “truth” that the mainstream media is too biased to report

Honestly, if I were them, I’d have tweeted back, “Didn’t attend the meeting with Widdle Donnie because I’m doing actual work.” But I’m also an asshole.

Won’t be any need for diplomats in the post-apocolyptic wasteland this administration is gunning for at top speed.

I make deals for a living. I usually go into meetings knowing what I want out of the meeting, and what my account wants out of it, and how we can both come out of it as winners. Why would “Chuck and Nancy” show up if they already knew the outcome and it wasn’t good. I’d be pissed if they were my reps, and they wasted

God damn this tax overhaul to the deepest pits of hell. This is being done to appease their fucking donors and they have SAID AS MUCH ON THE GODDAMN RECORD.

I heard someone on a pod just this week saying that it’s a win win for them. They get the credit for making themselves and their rich friends richer, and when the economy collapses again and the country pulls it’s head out of it’s butt again and elects Democrats to clean it up AGAIN, it will be Dems that have to cut

Oh I’m sure the heroic superwoman duo of Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins will swoop in and stop this, because they’re not just mindless sycophants of the GOP and they really care about people over party and profits............

So this definitely seems like some dipshit negotiating tactic he learned from some faux-alpha-male fraud back in the 70's, the business equivalent of negging that’s been rejected by every person who understands competent negotiating (“Insult your opponents ahead of the negotiation! Make them think there is no deal

It’s not a tax bill — I mean, it’s nominally a tax bill, but it’s the first step to pushing the ACA off a cliff and then drag medicaid and medicare along with it... the tax bits are just gravy for the GOP donor class. I’m really quite frightened by this bill. It’s got soooo many bad parts to it, and it’s so

So, I’m starting to realize that in a few years I’m going to be that old person who sits there and bores the youngins with stories of how in my day you could use the internet any way you wanted and everyone had the right to vote. And you could walk down the street without seeing an ICE agent kicking someones door down

My husband is like you. He often wants to start re-dissecting things as we are going to bed. I have anxiety and insomnia at the best of times, so I had to start gently telling him that we cannot talk about this right now or I will be awake all night. He’s waiting for really big news on a promotion right now, and the

Honestly looking back she was always this way with massive blind spots and a willingness to sellout. For example her universe was already lacking non-White characters, even in terms of 90s UK demography, and then she was fine with a Black character being recast as White while she agreed to split the final book into

My money would be on Lin Manuel since he can stack the chances by providing music for multiple movies. Not that he would be shooting for it, but I’m sure plenty of movies would want a song by him.