
This. Is. Hilarious.

Does this mean, technically speaking, that Jack was a manic dream pixie chick? Or rather, a manic dream pixie dick?

this guy has been such a bad actor for so long i dont care what they nail him with, he has earned it

I’m fine with bad people going down and I think that the celebrity culture we have been building was very unhealthy to begin with. Bring it on! I’m down with idealisation meeting reality. The more people understand that we are all mere humans, regardless of profession, the more likely it is that we will all learn and

If you have to humble brag that you have a “Harvard law degree and a genius IQ” to get a point across, you’re probably not a Harvard educated lawyer with a genius IQ. I understood exactly what his point was. Maybe you, and the person you’re defending, should try not being idiots.

Germany has both a President and a Chancellor. The President does all of the ribbon cutting events, and the Chancellor actually runs the government. A much less expensive option to save time! No national granny though, unless you find Angela Merkal to be warm and fuzzy?

Because she’s a vicious troll.

I’m glad Mischa’s creep boyfriend has to leave her alone. She’s obviously been through some shit (based on what I’ve read about her) and I’ve kind of loved her since that Insta on the boat. I want her to succeed.

This is an especially disheartening Dirt Bag...

the immortal words of Rob Stark

I watched the Katy Perry clip. I actually laughed out loud. Aw I needed that, totally worth checking out.

Honey I’m well aware of where Roy Moore is. I’m also aware that the people I’m surrounded by here in Tennessee support him and hope that he wins. Just because you don’t live in a certain state doesn’t mean you don’t have a stake in the election of a senator. ;)

Cristiano Ronaldo couldn’t have kicked a more precise shot.

Yeah. I started listening to NPR about a year ago and I’ve noticed they, for whatever reason, have had numerous profiles on these racist pieces of shit. One of the excuses was that ‘they arent going away anytime soon.’ Right. Because they keep getting featured in the news which fuels their ego. They also ran a profile

There’s a new Republican write-in candidate in the Alabama Senate race.

“The judge overseeing that case will be a Trump appointee.”

The judge overseeing that case will be a Trump appointee.

That doesn’t even make sense, and I can’t even tell you “solid effort there, pal” because it was simply dumb as hell. So sad. :(

I once went on a long weekend trip with a gentleman to his cottage. He had a whole cottage guesthouse papered in them. Wall to wall nudes with weird props. Needless to say we did not date much longer. I just couldn’t compete with 4 walls of fake tits and toolboxes/motorcycles/guitars.

i’m reading this on a monday morning and i’m already hating everyone