
I wish there was more I could do to make this place a safe space for you. I don’t like the idea of Meteor running off all my fav commenters. I’m going to have a ponderosa about this in the meantime...

I noticed you have pulled back a bit. I’ve definitely felt attacked here by onslaughts of commenters because of an unpopular opinion, but I haven’t had anyone personally target me yet...I actually ripped up my burner key post-it note a week ago or so after I felt attacked but was still able to get in to my account

S/he can take the star back, but the comment will stay black though. You can’t make a comment gray again after it’s been “emblackened”.

>“fuck yeah vote for Moore, he’s a republican isnt he?”

Meaning he successfully suppressed free speech rights (and murder rights) of snowflake libs are triggered by hearing dissenting ideas (and also race murders).

Please don’t leave. We need your voice. I’m really upset that Meteor attacks you personally to the point that you are wary of sharing personal information here that might help others. Don’t let Meteor silence you. You are far too important here. It’s clear to everyone that Meteor’s problem with you has nothing to

You might not want to keep reading the comments section, because that’s already happened.

She really didn’t handle that well. Jones was a prosecutor. That’s all a lot of people know about him. Don’t go with the “weak on crime” angle. Hell, if I were her, I’d stay away from the tax cuts argument too, given that the tax bill is unpopular.

I’m actually surprised she is not defending Moore more forcefully, since, you know she campaigned to get elected, and works for a man who:

Most places in the world will always vote for one Party no matter who’s on offer (I know they do here).

“Weak on crime” Doug Jones’s claim to fame is successfully prosecuting KKK members.

Alcohol addiction.

That is what pisses me off, second to the damage he caused to these women.

Maybe ElephantShoe became an english teacher because they love literature and sharing that literature with others? English isn’t just about grammar, it’s also about the analysis of literature. The most grammatically incorrect student might also have the most insight.

Hey at least he didn’t blame the woman. God what are you expecting from these men, actually taking of responsibility for their actions? /s

So how long before the groper-in-chief goes on a massive masturbatory tweetfest about the “failing NYTimes” hiring sexual assaulters while still ignoring Moore?

OK, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Given that a whole bunch of men who I admired are now admitted arseholes, if Barack Obama is ever accused of this crap, I’m going to go live on the moon.

So Meteor is batshit crazy, good to know.