

Hi love 👋🏿, I haven’t left. Not sure who you’re talking to - you keep replying to yourself. You’re not a victim here and can just stop everything.

It’s not her job to educate white women.

I have been saying the same thing since the first episode of Girls aired. This privileged, nepostistic, narcissistic, talentless piece of trash should never have been given a pass. For anything. Ever. She’s the female millennial Woody Allen. I hope the door hits her and every single one of her Becky squad on the way…

It’s not a coincidence and I’ve noticed. She’s lacking in self-awareness and I’ve tried to stay neutral because grown people can defend themselves and all. I guess I just DGAF today and would like to not be distracted by her antics in every thread. She is obsessed with at least two people, but her hostility is not…

You can reply directly to me, thank you. You’re a grown woman and should stand by the things you’re putting out here. As I’ve said before, this is not about just one person. In fact as we speak you’re starting shit with someone over at the AV Club and feigning ignorance here. Just stop it.

Her comment history speaks for itself. I don’t think she’s trolling, I genuinely think she’s sincere, but it’s like she can’t control these outburst or something. And I think she deliberately goes into threads Short is in, because Short will usually stop commenting. I’ve noticed it a few times, but maybe it’s a…

People made fun of W for being a bumbling idiot, myself included, and it only made the insecure Republicans that I know double down on their politics since it reaffirmed their distance from the left. And I used to see something similar play out all the time on the small-scale of the classroom when I was classroom…

I like you a lot, I truly do, but your dislike towards this person really confuses me, just bc a person is open about their life and their struggles doesn’t mean they’re trying to play the “poor me” card, it’s bc they feel comfortable in this space speaking about it. I was here when this all started and that person…

I almost forgot she has a history of doing that. Either way, I remember reading your comment last week and hoping that would be last of it and here we are. I was warned about her and I tried to remain cordial with her, but watching her attack others in every thread, sister site, etc is becoming too much. I figured she…

Attacking something the person didn’t say.

I think in regards to Trump, he is criticized, not insulted. Being a world leader, whose words matter, it makes sense to criticize him for not properly phrasing his message.

Its different from insulting Paris Hilton for her grammar. Those are insults, and like the other guy said, not fair or called for.

Please don’t play dumb. Your comment history is full of receipts - it’s not just those two individuals. I have seen you be very nice to newcomers and I’ve also witnessed you write vile and toxic things. I’m not here for the gaslighting. Just asking you to be civil and to stop antagonizing people. No one here, that I…

No, it’s a real word, created c. 1990 and now in the OED. If you think there’s no societal discrimination against disabled people you’re being willfully ignorant. Ableism is a catchall term for this form of discrimination.

Stories like this makes me want to drink too much wine and listen to Whitney Houston on repeat while sobbing “I believe the children ARE the future.”

He knows his principles are indefensible. He would have to say it out loud, “Border security is more important than your family.”

A republican runs away from a question about a stance he can’t defend? Must be a day that ends in -y.

As a woman interviewed by the Root said earlier this week: “Racism is white people’s problem. They started it. They need to fix it.”

This particular commenter has a lot of her comments disappear from the threads. I don’t want to stir anything up about this but she can be problematic and some commenters have accused her of harassment. I haven’t interacted with her much so I can’t speak to that. But that’s probably why some of her stuff is gone.…