
Well, there’s the cable guy, the redneck, and the racist ventriloquist. Those guys make a shitload of money off the rubes and yokels.

This, my friend, is the a parable about the entire republican party (see recent tax bill).

It seems like a lifetime ago that the GOP was going with the “Moral Majority” branding. Man, has that ship ever sailed.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders told a reporter at the White House press briefing that “Senator Franken has admitted wrongdoing and the president hasn’t.”

Hey Sessions, quit fucking repeating the punchline! It ruins the joke!

In order to reach a list of 20, they had to include DEAD PEOPLE! Good luck to them trying to book Jackie Mason or Bob Hope.

Donald Trump is paying his copious legal fees out of his own dang pocket, which means the Republican Party no longer has to.

UK Update:

“Great numbers on Stocks and the Economy. If we get Tax Cuts and Reform, we’ll really see some great results!”

Also, I just want to point out that as a white woman whose son has Asian heritage, I know it is really possible to be offended by mockery of an ethnic group you are not ‘strictly’ part of. In fact, if casual racism does not completely offend you as a white person, then you are part of the problem.

I remember that spread. And yeah, she also wore those colorful dreads for the Marc Jacobs show. Then there’s her sister’s embarassing “Homeboy’s gonna get it” comments. Seems the Hadid sisters think people’s ethnic features and mannerisms are costumes for them to put on and take off as they see fit.


HAHAHAH what on the actual earth

*whispers* it was a joke...

do you have to take everything soooo damn serious??

Why are you sorry? China as a whole counts sure, but just as the United States doesn’t not = every american’s opinion, china does not = every Asian perspective.

Well they’re bamned from China, who remains probably our largest trade partner. I didn’t read any malice towards them from the writer.

What new button? Where? I don’t see it!

What Gigi did was stupid but I think she was trying to look like Buddha.... not so much mocking but mimicking (asians) it was absolutely stupid of her but I think it’s one of those situations where she truly meant no harm but it offended a lot of people (which I understand).

wearing the freaking flag of Taiwan as a cape during a concert in Taipei. She probably thought she was being fun and respectful of Taiwan