
I can confirm that close family finding out about a close family members death is lousy.  When my dad died last month we got the phone call around 5 in the morning.  His brother and wife were over here from Scotland and they must have called overseas to tell family, and within minutes there were Facebook messages and

That’s good! It was a good comment and thanks for writing it. I have written some super long ones myself and afterwards I’m always like, is that too long? But fuck it, people hit shit to say!

YUP. Only 45 would.... and making those assumptions are dangerous. He’s basically telling people “he must have grabbed her by the “ya know” by pic 6.... cause that’s what he would do.

Thank you for your well written and reasoned comment. It expresses many of my thoughts as well, especially the disappointment.

It was long but effectively reflected what I’m feeling about all this.... which is A LOT.

The thing about “Al Frankenstien” [sic] is it’s not even clever. I don’t think Dr. Frankenstein was accused of sexual misconduct. And neither was the Creature. At least calling Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas,” offensive and juvenile as it is, refers to some controversy in her history. This nickname is just a nickname

It’s clear in the photo that the Senator is behaving inappropriately. Yes, sexual gestures count as misconduct, especially when one party is unconscious.

The chutzpah. I cut and paste a transcript of his remarks on then-18yr old Lindsay Lohan (Howard Stern interview; don’t look it up unless you’re near a washroom) in a comment on an Instagram post but Instagram refused to publish the post cause it was deemed to violate their ‘safe’ community guidelines. This man, the

If only this were the real end to the tape, and his career...

In some ways it’s worse when champions of “lefty” or “liberal” causes are the abusers because they should know better. Franken should know better - and these photos were taken in 2006! (not that the “It was the 80s” excuse is legitimate of course). This woman is also a veteran, like it’s just so wrong, he doesn’t get

That’s an oversimplification of the facts but the most important fact for me is the sheer number of accusations against 45 - like Roy Moore it’s a long pattern of abusive behavior and sexual assault.

Her own description clears it up—not just the act, but her disgust. He forced his tongue into her mouth, after she repeatedly said she didn’t want to practice a basic stage kiss. I was ready to write it off as overblown, but I found it disgusting. Listen to her tell it.

Trump also raped Ivana (because he was pissy that he got shitty hair plugs iirc), and has been accused of rape by others, including a 13 year old girl.

And anyone who uses a five dot ellipsis is a monster.

Look at Hands Smalley trying to poke fun at Stuart Smalley.

I’m going overseas in a couple of days to meet in-laws for the week, and it’s going to be awkward talking about this ORANGE SACK OF SHIT.

You know what they say: Never let your recorded admission backed up by accounts from 12 different women get in the way of a hilarious Frankenstein burn. Because his last name is Franken plus he’s a Jew! So many layers.

None of this will touch him. It’s Mueller or bust.

I just finished Franken’s newest book and was filled with pride as he is my senator, today I am now so sad and disappointed in him. His apology was at least an actual apology, unlike so many others have been (poor me being accused, God must hate me).

Franken: scripts a kiss, rehearses the kiss, scene partner objects to extent of kiss