
I wish there was a special place in real fucking life for child molesters, but I guess we’ll have to settle for vague promises of the afterlife.

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I think these guys might have some objection to The Time Lords...

Even the parrots are vomiting!

I’ve said this here before - she literally thinks she’s the First Lady of the Treasury Department, and has actual FLOTTD duties.

Jerry, you just gave me the shivers.

Never forget. That’s literally what he believes apparently.

Are there worse people in this administration? I don’t even know at this point. It’s like a 36-person tie and a never-ending race to the bottom.

OMG — y tho? Why is his wife there?

Or maybe it was a big FU to the golden state.

Right. An astute commenter yesterday pointed out that the Trumps ‘believe’ Moore only because it works for them to have Moore vacate the seat in favour of Sessions (since the latter has recused himself from the Russia investigation) and put someone in who will fire or block Mueller’s work.

I can’t stand to look at both of them. It’s like when you see a villain in a movie and everything about the way they look just screams “I’m the bad guy.”

Nah, that’s Roy Moore, looking on with jealousy.

I take my trophy bride everywhere with me as well.

I was thinking the same thing... why does this guy bring/allow his wife to come with him to work all the time. I worked at my old job for almost 12+ years, and except for like 2 people that I socialized with a bit over the years, no one had ever even met my exHusband. How is it even working that they are waking up in

I posted this on my Twitter feed a while back, but I’ll share with you guys.

I really enjoyed the imagery of this (funnel web spiders scare the SHIT out of me)

If they plug Sessions back in his old senate seat, Trump gets to pick a new AG, who won’t be held to the Mueller recusal. Not a good idea.

I know there are worse people in this administration but GODDAMNIT I HATE BOTH OF THEIR FACES

I don’t know, fraughten sounds a lot like frighten. Hw better change his name before he scares someone.

Am I alone in kind of hating these lists of new talented people under a certain age? I think it foists an expectation upon people as unreasonable as that of a model’s ultra slim body. I’m 33, and for a long time, and still to a degree I still do feel at times like a failure because I’ve not yet had a breakout film or