
I hope they do sue the WaPo so that the WaPo can take depositions, subpoena documents, and put the victims on the stand. Which is why they are not going to sue.

One of the HuffPo reporters asked McConnell that same question already.... and Brer Terrapin absolutely didn’t miss a beat. Of course he knew that question was coming, and he had his deflection ready.

I went there in the 80s for Space Camp. Space Camp was awesome. Alabama was not.

Jesus, they can’t even deflect properly!... Sounds like he was going for the ol’ “Well, in YOUR country, they marry multiple ten-year-olds, so Leave Roy Alone!” block, but failed.

This. Marc Maron talked about this for a good twenty minutes on his podcast and he said, yes he heard them but asked CK about them and were told they weren’t true. As Maron also said, before that NYT report no ones name was attached so it wasn’t even a case of having to disbelieve someone else to accept CK’s word.

My gut is its more like Alabamans would rather have a pedophile in the office then a democrat.

Holy shit! As a fellow brown person from Canada, I would very much like to slap that guy.

This is all so great! Finally women are being believed.

“I hope that you are willing to look at open evidence rather that jumping to conclusions...”

For a story that happened 30+ years ago, I’m shocked at how much evidence there is for this. Like being banned from the mall for creeping on teenage girls. Plus, on top of that, it’s clear that Roy Moore is just lying out of his ass-mouth, saying he never met one of the accusers, was never at that restaurant, while

Ali is a very patient man. I’m glad Rhule went to bat for him. That was so freakin bizarre.

“I hope that you are willing to look at open evidence rather that jumping to conclusions,” he said in a phone call. “It’s very bad to slander sexually assault someone.”

It’s also very bad to just accept the denial of the accused at face value, especially when there are multiple victims coming forward and continuing to do so.

I am still watching this interview (keep pausing the dvr to answer comments). This asshole just tried to make a point defending older men with girls (after hearing the clip of Moore saying he always “asked their mothers”) as acceptable in other cultures BY SAYING TO ALI VELSHI (who’s from Toronto), “well I just looked

Spoiler alert: you will find What Happened Unbelievable.

I’ve never never been able to look at Tom Hanks the same way because of that movie.

C’mon, everyone knows Carol’s in HR, not Accounts Receivable.

Somebody is getting low-key revenge on Megyn Kelly by having got themselves assigned to wardrobe and making this woman look ridiculous on television every day. It’s savagely cunning, because the clothes aren’t outright clownish, they are just bad enough to be terrible on her, in this context. Like, they’d probably be

I honestly think that a good publicist can get Bobby as a guest purely on the fact that he’s the writer of Megan Kelly Today, Today.

Bobby Finger decided to write a book on some bullshit so he can be a guest on Megyn Kelly Today