
Just now I opened the mail to find a fundraising appeal from my father’s former Catholic high school in rural Missouri. First prize in the raffle? A Glock 9mm semi automatic rifle. ‘Murica the Great, indeed.

I think perfumes are kind of “out”, but whatever, people will buy it and she knows that.

Second Amendmant Man gives students first-hand demonstration on liberty tree watering

don’t be hasty, the shooter may not be white.

I have no idea what her issue is.

Must be Tuesday

Didn’t she use to be reasonable? What happened? And she sounds like a TERF with this disdain for reproductive challenges.

My sex drive is highest in the morning and frequently wake my boyfriend up with a BJ. Works like charm. :)

Sure, but I mean, if Mr. Ladeuce didn’t wake up at all during it, and you were all like “Yum! That was great! Greater than usual!” it would be kind of weird. And it would be especially weird if you then went on national TV to talk about how great that secret sleepytime BJ was for you. I agree that it doesn’t quite

Oh. Yeah, you’re right. Both of these are like shooting yourself in the foot and then blaming the gun.

It just feels really squicky because every 6 minutes a new woman comes forward to tell us about a powerful man who assaulted her at some point in the past. I think we’re all on extra high alert about shit like this right now.

I agree with both of you. If she consented, cool, but joking about it on national TV is weird and not funny to me. Especially the joke about him preferring it that way...kinda gross. 

I don’t think your reaction was prudish given current events. This is quite possibly the worst time in world to make that kind of joke.

i literally don’t know how you’d sleep THROUGH sex without being drugged. I’ve done the “good morning BJ” for my husband, too, and the point is that it wakes you up.

Considering they gave this to 190 psych students (as a former undergrad psych student myself I used to do these types of studies for extra credit) it seems like it might be biased since I wonder how many current undergrads have heard of the songs My Sharona or Money for Nothing.

Does Justin Beiber create psychopaths or does Justin Beiber make psychopaths more creative?

There used to be a girl in my classes that was not allowed to wear shorts or pants as per their religious sect. She carried around a backpack with all her schoolbooks because her locker was full of pants and shorts. She would just change when she came to school.

No Diggity? Lol

I don’t know what to do with this information

From the source: