
My parents explained it as ‘Santa is the spirit of giving’ which is why we can do secret santas and why some presents come from Santa. Made it easy for them to not straight lie but also help us not traumatize our classmates.

Why can’t she celebrate the arrival of a new baby?

These men are not mentally ill. They are sex offenders. Stop being sympathetic to them and talking about their “shame”. They are criminals.

I really can’t wrap my brain around your exception to her throwing a shower just because... why? It’s the third child? She’s using a surrogate? She’s a Kardashian?

I think that’s the point of the comment, Kim K was actually pregnant her first two (absolutely shitty, physically painful and potentially fatal) pregnancies. This one she’s not actually pregnant, she got to have a good time and actually party it up. This commenter did “keep up” with the Kardashian (sorry I had to make

Wow, insinuating someone must work at a strip joint because they experienced something you claim you haven’t...? If you haven’t experienced this yourself, you are in the lucky minority. Please don’t be one of those people who thinks if they haven’t personally seen or heard something that it doesn’t go on.

Yeah am I the only person that thinks this is weird? It’s not like he can’t afford laundry service if he doesn’t want to do it himself.

It’s weird. There are actors that look like babies and then one day, boom!, they look old and it usually takes until they are in their 50's.

Fuck these people. My mom casually mentioned today she got an abortion 6 years before I was born. She did not think of it as a big deal then or now. I’m on medication that means if I get pregnant the fetus will be severely affected and my doctor has told me if I do, I should call in to schedule an abortion (we also

I was thinking the same thing. They need to be careful of what they wish for, because there are pro forced birth states that require doctors to lie to patients seeking abortion and tell them all sorts of things that are not based in science like making abortion seem more dangerous than it is. If a state can’t force a

Right? I am distracting myself by imagining what kind of voice Cokie Roberts will use to summarize Gorsuch’s contributions.

I just dont see the need for abortion, its common knowledge that that the female body has ways to shut down pregnancy from happening if they dont want pregnancy.

I was wondering if this could backfire spectacularly, and I’m glad to see it could.

Last week a bunch of pro forced birth dipshits showed up in a residential neighborhood I go through on the way to work to picket the house of the PP president. But she had moved and the dummies protesting just ended up frightening the young family who had bought the house. Dude tried to hand me some flier through the

This is so fucked up.

You mean “sex offenders”. This is like how brown men are terrorists and white men mentally ill. He’s a sex offender, like Spacey and Weinstein and Weiner and Cosby and the rest.

I don’t care much for baby showers, but I just threw one for a coworker. She’s new to the area - no family near by, surprise baby & didn’t have any hand-me-downs. I don’t have any kids & I probably wasn’t the best person to plan this, but I appreciated the opportunity to brighten her day & make her feel like she has a

Thinking Kim K should not have a third baby shower is totally understandable. But since when do you need to be pregnant to have one? I’ve been to showers for parents who were adopting. At work we’ve had them for fathers to be (definitely not pregnant.)

“Only proof you need is the fact she threw it the same weekend as her sister.”

So I am not into baby shoers after the first baby, but are you suggesting that if one adopts or uses a surrogate that they should never get a shower? That’s ridiculous.