
hey, this administration has a scandal about every 48 hours. At that rate, they’re probably right.

Oh man one girl still believed in Santa when we were in 5th grade, her parents were keeping her super naive about the world. Her parents were super livid when collectively everyone else decided enough was enough and she needed to know.

I saw that movie when it came out just to see what the heck everyone was talking about. It was unsettling and basically a sort of snuff movie, and wondered why on earth this was made. Then I remembered going to church on Good Friday and Jesus being flogged told by the priest was a high point. So no wonder that movie

Roy Moore was banned from his local mall for being a creep. Given how terrible you have to be to get banned from a single department store - especially as a rich white dude who isn’t shoplifting - I can’t imagine the levels of creeper needed to get banned from the whole building.

Take heart. There’s like a year between filming and release. Let’s see what he gets now.

So if Moore wins Republicans can just replace him with whomever they want? How’s that gonna feel for Alabamans who don’t take kindly to Big Gubmint stickin their nose in my bidness?

You’ll find that when your kid is asking about whether dragons are real or whether Cinderella is real, it’s really easy to let on the Santa isn’t either (this happened at three for us). They don’t believe Santa is real unless you push it. You wouldn’t pretend Greek myth is real in order to satisfy your child’s

Don’t bother applauding. They want him to win so that the Republican Governor can replace him with either Luther Strange or Jeff Sessions. Sessions being a double-whammy because if Sessions goes back to the Senate, Trump can nominate an AG that can fire Mueller.

As did I, and I am, unfortunately, temporarily back. Rest assured it’s still a festering pile of ass, but Jones has a very good chance, and did even before this. Now, the fact that these revelations have only had a single-digit impact on Moore’s polling definitely speaks to the steadfast shittiness of your average

I fucking hate Santa. My kids believe because we started it up when we were naive, new parents, but hot damn life would be SO MUCH EASIER if the kids knew the gifts were coming from us. Saying, “No, you aren’t getting that because it’s too expensive/annoying/utter crap” is way better than trying to explain that. “Yes,

This will probably be unpopular, but the Santa experience for me was amazing and I look back upon it fondly.


Is it time for me to break out my “Keep Saturn In Saturnalia” signs? My super conservative neighbors love me...

Mine haven’t stopped. I still have to tell mama on the phone what I think Santa *might* bring me. So she can tell him. I am 39. Help me.

Christmas was never quite as awesome as it was when I believed in Santa. It’s just gone downhill since 1983.

Santa ironically is a Republican icon...Second only to Jesus in the conservative world. Neither is real but both are good story book characters that gave to strangers out of the kindness of their hearts. Republicans dont share their traits. Yet if you mentioned either in a bad way they will fight you.

Peaches isn’t me.

I was raped by someone I had consensual sex with. He at one point refused to put on a condom, I struggled, said no many times, tried to push him off me, then felt like I was being unreasonable and just gave up to make the struggle stop.