
Trump absolutely does not know the word “apoplectic”....

I defy anyone to read this and not fear for the future of our democracy.

I’m betting ‘apple-septic’

My Twitter account was taken down for 11 minutes by a rogue employee. I guess the word must finally be getting out-and having an impact.

For those who didn’t click on the Sean Spicer link...

Holy Jesus, captain Tang loses his twitter for ten minutes which apparently backed up his brain, causing this vile deluge of offensive tweets.

UK Update:

Clocked her or shot her full of propofol?

I say this as a huge Michael Jackson fan:

I’m good with this.

I refer everyone to the hilarious and devastating book by Carl Hiassen, “Team Rodent: How Disney Devours the World,” for more information and stories about how the Disney Corp. practiced these techniques in Orlando, FL before they moved them to Anaheim.

That fuckin’ sucks because I really need an in depth feature on muscle man with hammer movie.

In a released statement, Disney said they consider the LA times to be nothing but a two bit Mickey Mouse operation.

And interrupting you to mansplain it to you. While waxing rhapsodic about their stay at home wife who doesn’t “sub-contract out our childrearing.” Your anecdata checks out.

What is that quote? “We don’t need men in feminist spaces, we need men to take male spaces and make them feminist.”

men can be feminists, but don’t trust a single fucking one who makes a living off feminism.

You also need really good locks, cause sometimes they break into your home to rape and assault you. The best protection is not having a vagina, but even that is not 100% since men are also assaulted.

Well, apparently, if you’re a woman and don’t want to get raped/assaulted/harassed you can’t ever leave your home. Well, as long as you don’t have a husband, boyfriend or male roommate waiting there. What a wonderful world for our daughters to grow up in. Excuse me while I go drive into a brick wall.

That’s an excellent way to put her money to use! Very practical and a lot of people can get a lot of good work done. I hope she’s reading this haha