
There’s a Cummins Onan business in Elkhart, IN.

Why not just have him come onto a closed set...and mow him down with a car? You know, for the show...

“These guys need to be careful.”


I think that a lot of dudes with this sort of priviledge haven’t spent a lot of time thinking about what is ok and is not and are now insecure about approaching women the way they used to. Which is in my view the best outcome. I hope there is much improvement in the relations between men and women to stem of this as

Even better.

“I’m not surprised that ***all production companies*** likely turned a blindeye to what appears to be systematic harassment and abuse as for years ...”

Honestly, they are long past the point where he should have been killed off anyway.

C’mon he’s not “predatory,” he’s sick. He’s in treatment so that makes it legit not his fault.

So no one is calling him a pedophile yet. That may be where the line is drawn by the attorneys, but I think the trajectory has been set to expose all the kiddy diddlers in Hollywoodland.

Nah, he has company in that closet.

Nah, there’s lots. Brando, Jodie Foster, etc.

We need Gawker now more than ever. Denton, are you out there?

Looks like this will put the nail in season 6 ever airing, or at least Kevin Spacey ever returning to set. I’m not surprised that Netflix likely turned a blindeye to what appears to be systematic harassment and abuse as for years they used the show as their tentpole to prove they could make critically excelling shows

I think people should probably acknowledge that the next season was it’s last one anyway. Current phrasing makes it look like Netflix did the “good thing”.

This. I’m not sure, but suddenly acting like you don’t want to be accused of doing something wrong make me think he did something wrong earlier. I mean, if you haven’t done it before and it’s not in your nature to do something like that, what’s up with the “keep them away” shit? At “best” that reads as “bitches be

I came to say the same. If anything, it is showing that trans-women are able to use the restroom designated for women.

This is stupid, no doubt.

I consider it a win in the latest bathroom bill state. After all, they’re saying Caitlyn is allowed to use the women’s restroom.

I’ve read a lot of horrifying details about scientology, but this is especially disgusting.