
I know. Exactly. Like just don’t whip your dick our or pin them to a mattress unless they expressly ask. It shouldn’t be that hard men. It isn’t that hard. But then, my friends and I never called ourselves the “pussy posse” soooo...

When I was in high school I met Leo through lots of mutual friends. He was in my car one night as we were on our way to a party, and he asked his friend, “Do you know what I want to do tonight? I want to FUCK!” And his friend tried to shush him and said, “Now, don’t say that; I respect girls!” And Leo flatly

He has been accused of dating blonde women.

Because that’s something women love to make up all the time, dontcha know. Especially when it involves someone famous with lots of money.

I’m a bit surprised that comment has 9 stars (as of this writing). Are there that many people who think they cracked the code?

Oh, I think this is it, or at least part of what he and Netflix must have known was coming. A 14-year-0ld boy who he actually did molest, on an ongoing basis, sober, in perfect knowledge that the boy was 14 because he’d known him since he was 12.

My parents split up a few months before I was born and got divorced when I was in the fifth grade. And it only happened because my dad’s then girlfriend was pushing for it because she wanted to marry him, but then dumped him a few months later.

I always consider when I say “Do you wanna make out?” with what I imagine to be a George Clooney grin on my face to be not only asking for consent but kind of sexy (if you’re a person that’s interested)
Just ask while the person is laughing. The strike out rate is low.

How hard is it to just say “Do you wanna make out?”?

And just now I saw that HOC is still the top promotion on the Netflix app home screen. Least for me. Not sure if it’s related to viewing history, but I’ve never watched it so...really Netflix?

I don’t know, the therapy part in conjunction with Rapp’s age at the time of the encounter sounds awfully like someone that has a pedophilia issue, if more underage victims come out of the woodwork, that should be a wrap(no pun intended) for his career.....

Yes, suddenly going to some sort of intensive therapy smells very preemptive. If this was just a one-time thing that happened 20+ years ago, an actor of his popularity and skill would pull a Hugh Grant and throw himself on the mercy of the people with a full blown apology tour on all the talk shows and morning

Hope springs eternal...

This is sort of one of those “giveaways” to me that makes it clear she’s more conservative than she pretends to be. There are any number of issues that I think people can bend on in relationships, but being with someone who is that much more conservative or progressive than you is always a red flag that either that

On the contrary, its a statement from a sly man man who knows how to resuscitate a public figure. While Ratner is going the “demolish them in the media and in the court” route, Spacey is going with the tried and tested “Therapy fixes it all”. I fear that both strategies will eventually work but I’m 100% certain that

I’m amused that this is being thought of as a “live-action” remake when every animal is going to be CGI’d like Jungle Book. ;D

I’ve seen Beauty and the Beast and The Jungle Book thus far. I’d say Beauty and the Beast was pretty good, it was great to see Beast’s Castle in a realistic light. Gaston was FANTASTIC and my favorite part, much like the first. The singing was more elongated though which I cared not for. Overall it’s faithful but

I would’ve also accepted Charles Dance myself.

Jeremy Irons openly admits to touching non-consenting women, and thinks gay marriage and abortion are sins (among other things, probably). Cliffnotes: He’s gross and I’m glad he’s not in it so now I can watch it in peace without giving any of my money to him.

I tell you what, if there is a single pair of human beings I would never expect to be cast in the same film, it’s John Oliver and Beyoncé.