shop-teacher @opposite-lock . com

Nice! Nothing anybody can say or think about me, can wipe the smile off of my face when I'm riding one of my scooters :)

I am a fat guy who has ridden thousands of miles on scooters. I look like a circus bear on a tricycle. As such, I have never been embarrassed by a vehicle, no matter how crappy or lame it was.

My kids are 8 and almost 6. They share one tablet, which we strictly limit their time on. It has never been in the car, and never will be. They’re both rock stars in the car. Keep doing what you're doing!

Toys, coloring stuff, looking out the window, playing with each other. Snacks on long trips. Oh, and now that they can read, books are clutch.

Ooooffff!  That sucks!  Glad you’re ok though.  Thanks for sharing.

Yeah, I was very interested in this article as well.

The sketchiest vehicle I’ve ever drives, was a Lumina APV minivan with something like 190k miles on it that a friend of mine owned. Paul had hired me to do some work on his house. For reasons that are not remotely interesting, I didn’t have my truck available to me, so he let me use his van to go get materials.

Wow. He managed to top the POStal, and I saw that pile of crap in person in its appropriate spot. The scrapyard.

Good to know, thanks!

I agree on all counts, but NASCAR is way too stupid to follow any of these suggestions. 

Wow! This is an interesting project!

I don't know if there are any absolutes. I had a wiring fault develop when my truck was still under warranty. The tech was awesome, and since I teach shop classes, he let me watch him do the repair and showed me some stuff. He told me that it was critical with a CAN-bus wiring system to use a gas powered soldering

I made it to age 39 before running a vehicle out of gas, but the non operational gas gauge on my scooter did me in. I ran out three times in the span of a couple of a couple months. I had rolled into the station sputtering a few times too. That’s why it’s now torn down, so I can replace the sending unit.

While I’m sure a GOOD solder joint is better than these, I really really suck at soldering. I never get any better, because I hate doing it. My clumsy fat fingers always end up getting burned. I bet these are a lot better than my crappy solder joints.  I’ve yet to try them, but I definitely should give them a shot

Good job!

2nd gen > all

13 year old me was absolutely in love with these, but WOW have they not aged well!

I had a dealership try the hide the keys thing on me a long time ago. Thankfully I am large and intimidating looking enough, that it didn’t last too long.

Your article on Oppo the other day has kind of made me want this. I’m in Chicago too.

I have issues with comma usage. I often have too many, or in the wrong spot. My 7th grade English teacher really screwed up my head.