
No, but every girl or woman who gets raped is! :/

He is so lovely! I could forgive being mauled by a cat with a face like that!

I’m sorry you’re so negative.

Lucky, I begged my mom to shave/wax me but she cried when I would wince and then refused to. Eventually my parents saved up for laser treatments. They weren’t 100% effective but good enough that people don’t notice anymore and I can manage the remaining facial/body hair

Perhaps she was too high to notice the signs. Even people who are unfamiliar with cats can identify signs of an unhappy animal but I know when I was high my perspective was very skewed.

1/8th Lithuanian-German here, unfortunately my hairless 1/2 Japanese genes lost out. Damn those European genes are strong. I got electrolysis too. I was teased so much as a kid for my hairy arms and my moustache. Imagine being called “Queen of the Apes” on the playground at recess!

Wow please, respond to me like a child. I’ve been in enough relationships to know they are messy. I’m saying trust and communication are key to a healthy relationship. If your partner wants a polyamourous relationship and communicates with you and you trust them and are OK with it then wonderful! If your partner is

I’m sorry you seem to think they’re all like that. #notallmen

Exactly my point. If you have good communication maybe a polyamourous relationship will work. If you are going to invade your partner’s privacy rather than trust or communicate with each other, this is not a healthy relationship.

Have you been browsing petfinder again?! What, is Mr. bubbles not enough for you??!!

If you suspect your partner of cheating enough to stalk his app usage, either you need to check yourself or you need to dump that POS. What’s a relationship with no trust and poor communication?

Diligently taking notes. Thanks for the tip!!

I don’t understand why it’s called cake. There is not one cake-like quality. Unless it’s a “cake implant” as how the kids call booty cake these days

Yo, was just about to say this. It’s probably good for your skin too!

Great, the police had to chase him down just because he’s black AND Hispanic. On top of that they treat him like a dog!!

This is great for my mornings after I shower with my caffeinated bar of soap!

Do you have anyone you are into? I have never been crazy over celebs. Like sure there are some hot guys and I wish I could meet a Chris Pratt of my own but I’ve never had a celeb I would throw my panties at. I remember watching my friends in awe when everyone wanted to marry Josh Hartnet in like middle school. I

I hate how they do that, like you told them you were on your way and they’re like oh that one was taken half an hour ago and completely crushes your 12 year old dreams (but then your parents rush to search other shelters and you end up with the damn best buddy in the entire world)

Wrong language. You should have said shie-shit

How have you not experienced the pain of wet flip flops? The plastic material becomes so painful when it rubs between your toes with just that little bit of rain fall!