
I’m so glad James Earl Jones will voice Mufasa again. You absolutely cannot have any other Mufasa so long as JEJ is alive!

I did NOT look like this when I was 13...I thought she was 17!

I feel this way. I’d like to call myself a feminist and one of my strongest and most consistent dreams since I was a child is to become a mother. I have a very good friend who works in the line of psychology and I love her and her understanding and openness for others but she’s “reminded” me multiple times amidst

Well now, they have a point. They know first-hand how a book can turn someone into a bigot...

I was once told that one in 5 teen girls experience an ED. I didn’t believe it until my life took a turn and I realized I was that 1 out of our group of 5.

Hello, fellow hyakkin worshiper!

OK, so maybe I don’t get it because I’m a poc and non-religious but I really don’t understand the racism against Jews at this day in age. They’re visibly white...

Ugh, I can’t watch these SNL clips from YouTube because they aren’t available to stream in Japan. Damn it

Oh my god, Mahty Wahlsh is the most Boston name. It’s been a while since I’ve been back home but I kind of miss hearing the accent.

I’m sure black people are at their wit’s end with the daily racism that they and other people of color experience. A white person who hasn’t lived their whole lives being treated like a lessor or seen their families treated like the bad one upon calling for help probably has the patience to remain calm.

I have Mirena and I love it. I’m on my second year. I rarely bleed. Sometimes I have a little bit of very light spotting but not much else!

I’ve definitely been in your position. It sucks. I would cut him off. Just stop responding, ghost him. It’s fine. I wish I had done that myself sooner but eventually I realized I was not putting my body and mind first. You don’t need that discomfort.

Reading the report was so nauseating and I’m glad police do this kind of work but it caught me at the part about the undercover cop sending their target a photo... Who is the poor child who’s photo gets used in an undercover sting? Is it a very young looking detective? I assume it’s not like a stock photo of a girl

HOW DO THEY PUT IN CONTACT LENSES????!!!! I have enough trouble not scratching a cornea with my short nails!!

I think I’m guilty as well with the kids I babysit...? If they take a tumble and start to cry I tell them everything is OK, they don’t have to cry and that they are strong. They happen to be boys... Is this the same thing?

Off topic, but is Daily Mail a credible source? My older, technologically-challenged dad has learned how to share articles on FB and he recently linked one by a 3rd party news blog that sited DM and the Independent for an article that was showing me red flags for not being completely trustworthy...

Uhhh that’s why you have bride’s maids!

Totally, when I was that age I called up the PBS donation hotline because the TV told me if I called NOW they would send me an Elmo doll. I didn’t understand how they could send me something without giving physical money but I knew if I called that number I could have Elmo. I got too scared when the phone stopped

I don’t get the desire to marry a robot. I’m not against loving a robot, you do you but the only reason to legally marry someone is the benefits like spousal rights. With homosexual marriage both partners are free thinking and free moving individuals who can actually benefit from legal marriage. What’s the point of

I don’t get how having privileges taken away and being punished would make anyone stop being depressed or feeling suicidal.