
Me too, I miss them so much. I would get them repierced in a second if it weren’t for the sensitivity. If the initial piercing and healing process wasn’t bad enough, fabric friction was hell and when I was getting down and dirty it hurt whenever my partner played with them. Maybe I should have had them longer (I had

I know, it bothers me too but I think they mean seafood vs land food. I used to be vegetarian and all and it bothered me when people were like oh, no meat? Have some grilled fish then!

Oooh talk dirty to me baby, quail egg and poke is heaven!

I love combining natto and kimchi! Especially over a bowl of hot rice!!

Apparently, according to my aunt and Japanese old wives tale, if you eat a lot of meat during pregnancy you will have a girl and if you eat a lot of fish you will have a boy. My aunt has two sons and she said she always wanted a girl but loves fish too much.


I could never really get on board with the American sweet potato, but like yaki imo and imo kinton during the New Years osechi platter is my jam!

I hated my boobs for a long time. I didn’t like their shape and I hated how large my areolas were. Then in college I got my nipples pierced, for myself mostly and I fell in love with my boobs. Since then I have long removed the piercings but I continue to love my boobs uniqueness and all.

I was gonna joke “Kylie sans makeup?” But I felt bad because that hound is so cute and has better personality and morals.

I love natto but I agree it is an acquired taste. We just love slimy foods here it seems and they also happen to be some of the healthiest

They make your hands itch too!! I love satsuma imo. That spud’s the shit!

I was once told that the shape of your brows as a child is the best shape for your face. That made so much sense to me because duh, God wanted us to be beautiful but then I remember how I hit puberty and my brows decided they wanted to be reunited.

Seconded. I love being mixed and never once resented being part Japanese but I really don’t like the way we are sexualized. I've experienced many occasions where the moment a guy learns I'm half Japanese, something in their eyes change.

What the hell are Japanese potatoes? We have an array of potato and yam varieties...

I’m confused why the author was scolded for sitting on someone’s shoulders with her legs apart? How else do you sit on someone’s shoulders?

I imagined like a version of Marx Brother glasses you find at gag shops with a tiara glued atop.

But hey, if the Bern wins then you will get all the mental health treatment you need to recover from your PTSD!

If that family member, friend, or person I trusted was trying to hurt me I would.

That poor thing! Didn’t they watch Chappie??!

Well, if it was between seeing THAT naked a few times a month or not having a billion gazillion dollars, I think many people would close their eyes and imagine their next million dollar shopping spree.