I don't know what state you grew up in. I grew up in MA and the earliest my brother could enter kindergarten was half a year early at 5. And he was extremely eager.
I don't know what state you grew up in. I grew up in MA and the earliest my brother could enter kindergarten was half a year early at 5. And he was extremely eager.
I do not get the appeal of Wendy. I’ve only ever heard rude opinionated things from her and I can't see why she is still popular...is she? Who is she even?
What would a British all-male band know about breastfeeding? ;P
It’s up to mom and baby, really. My cousin was breastfeeding (supplementary) until he was about 3 years old. He grew up to be an ungrateful shit to his mom (I’m bitter. It’s terrible family drama) but at the time he wasn’t ready and my aunt didn’t feel the need to wean him off any sooner.
Sorry, puppy! You're welcome, hooman!
Babies are basically pets, they just never achieve the housebreaking. It just evolves into other forms of emotional and physical self expression as they grow.
Why was you husband so stubborn??! ;P
A sherpa is a type of ice cream, right? (I am but a commoner, a wee pleb)
Daycare or preschool. Probably. Kindergarten is the introductory year before elementary school. Most kids are 5/6 in kindergarten.
I don't know my First Ladies, is that Robbin Williams to the far left?
Can't tell if shoulders are getting puffier or posture is getting slouchier...
is she wearing Balmian?
We’re already cold hearted!! Badum-chhhhhhhh
I never saw the problem either growing up but in the past 5 years a handful of people I went to school with have died from an overdose. They never “looked” like they did heroin.
This is so gross but a dark dark part of me can't stop reading these canibarat anecdotes.
School on the eve??
Victim blaming, exhibit A.
I should of worded it differently but I meant the tabloid’s comment about her looking older sounds like a pardon for Tyga and a case of slut-shaming.
How dare you hit puberty before my sweet darling Suzy!
What is the reason for mentioning that though? Girls start to develop “adult bodies” at puberty which can be as early as 11 or 12. This comment is just another instance of rape culture trying to victim-blame. It is suggesting Tyga isn’t “that” wrong because the girl could have been mistaken for older. This is clearly…