They should create a new chapter (is this the right term?) and have it co-ed, call it like Kids Scouts or something.
They should create a new chapter (is this the right term?) and have it co-ed, call it like Kids Scouts or something.
Silly fool, don’t you know that the moment of conception the woman is no more than an incubator? Stop trying to talk sense into these people! We have to protect the little white, male, heterosexual Christians of our future! (If they come out otherwise forget it. )
Yes, Donald! Because it’s been working so well for the US!
They do say “it takes one to know one” so Biebs may be a dick expert
Yeah! Whut?!?!!
I’m pretty sure it’s a poop, ice cream would have a cone! In Japan we often doodle the “three-layer poop” as kids and the “emoji” originated from Japanese sns icons.
I hate muslins as well. But then again I am a satinist so,
I’m already wearing one! Gahhhhhh
💩(poop) and😻(Heart eyed kitty). They haven’t given me the option for poopeye kitty yet :(((
I'm partial to the poop and the heart-eye kitty.
So the fact that I rolled my eyes and am a little ticked by this mean I’m an Old? (But, but, I’m only 24!!)
Is he really married to Lisa Bonet?? I can’t even be jealous, I’d marry both of them if I had the opportunity!
Can I get a private, live viewing in my bedroom? I wont ask for much, Jason doesnt even have to bother dressing!
Oh, come ON Massholes! We’ve got enough of a shitty stereotype already, no need to give them more fuel!
I've never seen Putin look so cuddly!
Wait, but do kids under 15 in this era even know who Pippie Longstocking is?
It makes me think of mouth-breathers. My brother had massive tonsils when he was little and he was mouth-breather and had the worse breath. Also he was my baby brother and his mere existence was cramping my style back then.
I know, I feel so lucky to find such a great guy! I had messaged other matches before but I had a bad feeling about them and I met my now-boyfriend and I didn’t particularly feel any which way about him but decided to meet him and it was the best impulse decision I’ve made!
Special Snowflake here, I met my boyfriend on Tinder (albeit in Japan, where most of the local men—can’t say the same for foreigners—are extremely mild.) and we are very much in happy coupledom. I have no problem telling people we met on a dating app but he prefers we say we met at the cafe where our first date was.…
Dang, he could even tie his brows up into buns!