
Dude. I’m on the same boat. I’m 24 (oldest child) and my dad is 72. He is super healthy and fit for his age but had back surgery a couple months ago for chronic back pain and I literally couldn’t handle it. (It doesn’t help that I currently live on the other side of the earth and his doctors asked him to prepare his

I used to work at a coffee shop and one time around Christmas this woman came in for a coffee and a mini croissant. As the customer before her was leaving, I called out “happy holidays” as I did with everyone. As she was paying, she made it a point to say “it’s merry Christmas.” I said in my cheery coffe shop girl

In Japan there is a tradition to save the locks of a child’s hair and have them turned into an ornamental calligraphy brush. My mother had one made for my brother and I. It's really cool, I think


I don’t know, but I imagined Amber being the kind of gal pal to stop you when you are doing something stupid.

I've got the mirena and it's the greatest ever. I was on Apri for about 3-4 years which was fine for me and then once my dr tried to switch me to a generic one called O—something or other. It DID NOT WORK WITH ME. I hated it and I felt wrong and shitty. Went back on Apri and then decided to go for the IUD last winter


Ah well I have a soft spot for Portland ME!

I appreciate your use of wicked, fellow Bostonian. I live about 6,800 miles away now and simple things like this bring me home.

If you can hold in a fart, you can hold in a baby!

Who IS he though?

You don’t know Carl’s life! You don’t know his body!

Gays, obviously.

Yo I had a crush on this baldy when I was much much too young to know what a crush was!

Your $50 and podiatric comfort just got me and my friends deported! I hope your lack of sore toes were worth it!!!!!


There is a great difference between the historic and cultural meanings between a pastry and a military position one did not have an option to be.

But everyone says kamikazee. Everyone. I didn't say anything about her accent, which is very good by the way.

As a Japanesey I’m not down with it. Plus, PEOPLE PLEASE STOP MISPRONOUNCING IT. IT’S “kamee-kazeh”