
Vikings! From History Channel!

Superiority complex. They secretly love women taking control and those fantasies scare them more than anything else

Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Fuck.

I thought for a moment that welcome poster was a vagina in a large rose. A la sort of Georgia O'Keefe.

Woa is that like a real theory? Cos my brother and father are both lefties and my father's father was a twin. I never knew which he was though. Are both twins lefties? Just one? Oh this is so cool, please let this be true!

The only reason to have a wedding is to NOT invite certain people and laugh your way to the alter about it.


Honestly I'm pro cremation myself, but I'd rather not imagine/turn grave yards into buildings because grave yards have trees and we need those to breathe

Hey! No victim blaming!

Ah damn opportunity missed!

"Goddamn autocorrect!" - God

How do you feel about circumcision? It's also unnecessary and cultural.

The first photo is so over photoshopped it looks like those photos people took of their dead babies in the 1800s.

Ok but even if you correct the exposure, the "black" parts are still not black, but a delightfully nasty shit-brown.

Like that's all well and good but just cod your head can be perpetually transferred to a younger healthier body doesn't mean your face and your brain isn't going to age. You know how those old people always go crazy with the dementia and the Alzheimer's? That's cos the brain hasn't evolved to be alive as long as

And why is he standing with his legs so far apart?!

I agree. I am surprised no one has already posed as a impressionable teen to find out.

My grandmother has a stroke at 85 two years ago. She wasn't discovers for over 6 hours as the Dr estimates. She is not vegetative but she has a feeding tube and can't communicate and the left side of her body is completely paralyzed from the neck down. She can't communicate back but you can sort of tell when she

It's trying to seduce you with puppy eyes!

Bloody Mary?