
Girl, I support you. I tell anyone who seems to be dwelling on a lack of romance: it wasn't until I had given up on men and dating that I met Mr. Right. All these bitches saying you're running outta time or that you need to be dating more (oh hey Aunt Eunice) can shut up cos true love comes around when you least

Whatever. Just don't go around telling other people they're stupid for what they believe in.

I'm curious too. I don't imagine they are going around swapping bodily fluids with people they've just met on vacation but who am I to judge. Are they eating bush meat? Are they eating bush meat thinking it's something else?

I'm saying you don't have to be so rude and immediately call it bullshit. Some cultures have deep roots in spirituality etc. I'm not saying you are right or wrong. I'm saying your attitude is wrong.

these are names I would keep.

I assumed coconuts were boobies...?

Some people believe in ghosts, some people believe in god(s). Maybe you don't but that doesn't mean anyone else's thoughts or beliefs are particularly wrong.

I thought most doctors don't give them out to women who haven't had children yet. I want an IUD...

I don't know about trans people, I think it's the 14-yearold girls that people need to worry about nowadays. Idk about anyone else but teens and tweens are more and more corrupt then ever before. I think for the most part a child struggling with their sexual identity have enough on their plate to be much of an issue.

give 'um separate drinking fountains while yer at it! Jesus H. Macey!

I am uncomfortable with babies being brought to loud, flashy places but in trying to understand Kimye's parenting choices, Kim was being bullied basically as soon as North left her birthing canal because she went right back to work. They were saying she was terrible for not spending enough time with her baby. So maybe

"Princess Kim of Kalabasas" deffo read that as Princess Kim of Kielbasas.

I used to gag at the mention of Heiress Hilton but lately I've heard things like this and I'm starting to think she's a good person. You can be a good person and a totally spoiled bimbo at the same time I've realized.

wait, Directioners are old enough to watch the Daily Show? I thought they only watched Disney and Nickolodeon.

The biggest issue is she requested not to be put in a cell with that particular person who had assaulted her previously.

but like, what if I am feeling so blissful and in love that I want to share it with the world?

if you're gonna write an upset email about women and feminism, maybe you should know the difference between the singular and plural spelling? The first time I passed it as a typo but by the second....(e_e)

this lady and Blossom would get along

wait. If you remove the witchcraft and sorcery what's left? An abused foster child kept in a closet?

FKA Twigs will forever read FAO Schwarz to me.