
"because they are gross, icky and altogether offensive." American history is altogether offensive too. We should ban history books. Not to mention biology. Internal organs are the ickiest and grossest!

This must be a marketing plan: you feed people weed pizza. Once they are done they are high and have the munchies so they order more pizza. Genius!

WATCH OUT! red flags every where! Look how vicious that dog looks, it's about to kill that poor child!

"Something tells me if 20 years of marriage can't keep a couple together, a shiny new toy probably won't either."

my mother did that once. It was in my baby album and apparently it was "such a giant poo for such a cute little girl!" I later asked her to remove it out of embarrassment. She probably has that photo of a giant poo floating in a toilet kept safe in a jewelry box or something somewhere.

The other night I was watching a show on child abuse and also one about gender equality. One of the shows mentioned a comment by a successful career mom who said she can have a career and be a mother because in her country (somewhere Northern Europe) there are plenty of help and benefits for child rearing. Basically


that is terrible and I remember those TI-81 calculators. We paid a shit load for it and MAYBE used two functions for like a fraction of the year.

especially when that fictional character does something to deserve bashing. The other male character was quite sweet and won the princess in the end. Total male-bashing. Totally.

uhm, Bubbles, Blossom, Powerpuff, they villainized one (ok a couple) male character. There were other males who were certainly not villainized.

I don't think you need to get so defensive. We all have our own opinions. Scootersmom is not saying you or virgins are silly, it is just her opinion that it's not the magical special thing that society tends to say it is. I didn't find my first time to be special at all. In fact it didn't even feel that great. I will

this isn't the appropriate BCO edition to post this but I have a story: I used to work at a bakery/coffee shop (endless stories of wacky and/or ignorant customers who think they are better than us) and this one time I was ringing a woman up for her scone and coffee. Mid-transaction she began eating her scone (um,


if these will be made by actual Asian designers than awesome. If I see a botchery of a kimono being called Chinese I'm gonna have an issue. Also I hope there is proper distinction respected between the VASTLY different oriental cultures.

And she'll have about $13,000 in vet costs from all the medical issues the poor thing will have from selective breeding.

it is 6:30 in Japan right now. It is too early for humanity to make me want to barf.

anyone read the Hat Salesman as a kid? It was a story about Pharrel—I mean a hat salesman— selling a tower of hats on his head and he takes a nap under a tree and all these monkeys steal his hats.

Wow. Just, wow. And who said muscles can't be feminine?

Uh, ladies, if you don't want to be a victim don't marry men. Don't come crying when you get slapped because that was your own fault for marrying a man. Also don't marry women cos that is an abomination. You know what, it's just your fault for being born a female. Hind-sight is 20-20!

this couldn't have been a one-man takes a lot of effort to steal onions!