they weren't even ripe?!?!!!!
they weren't even ripe?!?!!!!
Miley is a really really talented singer. She's not a great song writer and she's bat shit crazy but she does have a beautiful acoustic singing voice. It is such a shame she has distanced herself from that. She does a mean Jolene cover.
you are going to look like shit and your feet will swell to elephant grade cankles anyways. I'd say people will judge you more when you look and smell like death in a tailored suit and your swollen feet are bulging out of your fancy pants shoes. YOU TRY-HARD!!
what breed is it? It looks like all the mutts we have in Japan
all that pup needs is a piña colata and cucumbers on his eyes
I agree, in America there is an overwhelming cultural desire to—how best to put this,—fluff yourself/children up? Like it is expected that you show off/compete with your child's success in public. In Japan however, it is the cultural norm to put yourself and your children down in front if others. It is actually seen…
I wouldn't say over run by deer. My family lives in Nara (I live in Kyoto which is north neighboring prefecture). There are many deer but not over run. They are sacred animals that live in the Deer Park which is an unenclosed green by Todaiji Temple. They are allowed to roam free and you can buy waifers to feed them.…
I was just gonna say, this was even a thing?
Middle name...Thomas
Why is everyone getting their slutty panties in a bunch? It's simple, just like if you don't want to be murdered don't do things that would make you vulnerable to psycho killers...duh! It's not the killer's fault and it certainly was not the rapist's fault! (Please oh please catch my sarcasm)
if someone yelled "nine!" while doin' it with me I would burst out laughing. I can't hear "nine" yelled withought immediately thinking of an upset German
maybe it's something to do with how the reader relates to the characters of each chapter. Maybe it is easier for many women to relate to a female role and likewise for men.
maybe we shouldn't exploit animals in show business or something? Idk I'm just shooting in the dark here.
Um, stale pretzels?! They don't even give those out to domestic flights of 7 hours or less. You have to PAY for your stale pretzels!
My boyfriend is a dream. He is perfect and he is my soulmate and he is going to move across the world to a country he doesn't speak the language of to be with me. There is just ONE thing. And ill-fitting tan suit. He loves it. He thinks he looks great in it. I don't know how to tell him that's identical to the suit…
I hope that cake is in an airtight indestructible box because the lovely germaphobe is freaking out right now. WHAT IF YOU INHALE DEADLY AIRBORNE MOLD PARTICLES?!?!!!! DON'T BREATHE!!!!!
oh god I started tearing up over my morning smoothie reading this. That is so precious. I probably would have broken down seeing my mom have that moment. I was a pretty emotional 9 year old. (Don't ask me about Homeward Bound. We don't speak of that movie near me.)
No no, that's not a look of concern, she's just SMEYEZING.
I have no idea what "Dr." Ablow is talking about. I had heard people going gaga over FLOTUS's strong and sexy arms, even as far as getting plastic surgery to get her arms. (Whatever makes you happy I guess).