
Why $119,999.99? At this price, why even bother taking off that extra penny?

Hey hey hey, let's not go overboard here. I eat dairy, gluten, and red meat like nobody's business, but I still think kale is fucking delicious if it's cooked right.

I think some staffer (or possibly Congressman) is a serious conspiracy nut. There are a number of edits to conspiracy-related pages.

Does it work with electric stoves too?

If your pot heats up faster, your dinner is ready sooner. I think you're over-analyzing this.


I don't understand why you make bizarre, unrelated comments on articles but I love you for it. Keep on keepin' on, man.

Looks hideously tacky. $2000???

It's true that water is denser than (normal) ice. However, cold ice is still denser than warm ice, and cold water is still denser than warm water.

First: Urine doesn't have that many toxins in it, unless you're taking in a lot of them to begin with.

From the article title and first sentence I thought this was going to be about downloading an entire static copy of the Internet from a library, which would be really impressive.

I find it's usually faster to press Cmd-Opt-Esc to bring up the Force Quit dialog.

So basically, it's a Youtube comment thread?

I totally agree, I think it's great practice. My issue is with it being treated as great art in its own right. It shows great technical skill, but it's not really all that interesting because the final product is not appreciably different from just making a photocopy. That's just my opinion, of course.

I don't understand the whole photorealism thing. Yes it requires a great deal of technical skill, but what's the point if you're just a human photocopier? Drawing an extremely detailed copy of a photo is probably a good practice exercise, but from an artistic point of view I think it would be much more interesting if

For once, a Gawker headline understates the article content.

I never said they should be assaulted, just that they should stop acting so incredulous when people are offended by them. And yes, it is perfectly acceptable to discriminate against people for choosing to publicly wear a non-medical device on their face.

"But a light comes on when it's recording!"

The only reason I still jailbreak is because of f.lux. If I can get that functionality in iOS 8 without jailbreaking, I'll be very happy.