
While this is certainly a good cause, I don't think anything they say or do is going to make a difference unless it hurts Dan Snyder in the pocketbook. Until then, he's just going to continue ignoring them like he's done for years.

Even that's misleading. The only reason it does that is because it's acidic, and your stomach is naturally much more acidic than soda so it's not going to harm you. The only REAL reason why soda is bad for you is because it's loaded with sugar, but that's a little more abstract and harder to sensationalize.

See my reply above to interrogator-chaplain.

Wrong. That kind of mindset can lead to overhydration, which is in some ways more dangerous than dehydration. Your body isn't stupid, it knows how to take care of itself. We've survived for millions of years by using thirst to know when to drink water, and it's a very reliable mechanism.

Your body already has a built-in mechanism to remind you when to drink water, it's called thirst.

Is this really such a new thing? I definitely had male babysitters from time to time when I was a kid, and that was in the 90s.

Actually, this is not camouflage. Octopuses turn white when they feel threatened, which in this case happened to blend in with the white boat. Still cool though!

Small correction: it's not "dripping in blood", since animals are almost completely drained of blood during the slaughtering process. The red liquid associated with meat is not blood, it's myoglobin.

You've been watching too many spy movies if that's your "realistic" guess.

I think you're getting a bit confused by the terms here. A bazooka IS a type of recoilless rifle. "Recoilless rifle" is a general term for guns like this that fire rockets, so named because the gas escaping out of the open back of the gun limits the recoil. It's only a "rifle" in the sense that it has a rifled barrel.

I think this is probably the only time I've been GLAD that the original creator of something is not involved. Lucas's unhindered "creativity" is the biggest reason why the prequels were so bad.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. We have something called the "Internet", the history of this gift is there for you to read up on.

It was a gift from the Egyptian government.

It was a gift from the Egyptian government.

I disagree. I think that alcohol itself affects the flavor of things by accentuating certain flavors and muting others. Also some people DO like the flavor of alcohol by itself, as evidenced by the number of people who enjoy vodka.

Just the thought of eating butter plain makes me nauseous. I'd much rather deal with a teaspoon of yeast.

Nobody's trying to predict weather patterns here, they're just remarking on how harsh this winter was for the US.

I think it's implied that that the friend doesn't know how to work the sailboat, and that's why he couldn't turn around.

I'm still impressed that Lytro is even a real thing. When the first one was announced, everyone in the photographic community (including me) was sure that it was a scam and/or would never make it to market. Granted, the device still has a lot of limitations, but the fact that you can take a picture and change the