
If this had been reported in the US my first assumption would be conservatives trying to play up parental fears in a bid to restrict access to contraception, but since it’s India I’m not sure if politics works the same way over there.

I’ve never even heard of this product. They certainly did a poor job marketing it.

It’s art. The same as you might go to a museum or gallery to look at paintings, people like to go to fashion shows to look at interesting pieces of clothing. Also, ideas from runway fashion do trickle down into actual wearable clothing.

How many times now has Trump thrown Nunes under the bus?

Did you read the article? This isn’t for video games, it’s for training simulations.

3 out of 4 superheroes in the header image have a lightning bolt symbol

Probably not that much farther than we are now. The main limiting factors to wireless power are the laws of physics. Specifically, broadcasting power in all directions is heinously inefficient and power transmission decreases relative to the square of the distance from the receiver. This device gets around those

Science isn’t about “why”, it’s about “why not”.

I’m a feminist, but this is bullshit. The message of the meme would be exactly the same if the genders were switched, and it still wouldn’t be sexist. Representing abstract concepts using people is not inherently sexist.

No it doesn’t. Your brain interpolates (same basic idea as this tech), and it also makes a ton of mistakes. That’s why optical illusions exist.

I wouldn’t call it “flawless” or “perfect”. It’s a good fake and definitely much better than previous attempts, but if you look at e.g. the splash created by the tires you can see significant artifacts. The unfortunate reality is that you can’t create missing information out of thin air.

Am I the only one who’s never heard of this guy before?

If only there were a source of clean, cheap water that came directly to your house.

Oops lol, didn’t see the typo.

The Yakuza are the Japanese mafia, essentially.

How the hell did this account get verified? They’re blatantly trying to get people to confuse them with Science magazine.

Don’t be rude.

Actually, there is a security benefit to using fingerprint instead of just a PIN. If you use just a PIN, you have to enter it every time and someone could watch you enter it or record you on video. Faking a fingerprint is significantly more difficult.

They don’t do it just for fun, they intentionally leak false info in an attempt to discredit the media.