It’s art. The same as you might go to a museum or gallery to look at paintings, people like to go to fashion shows to look at interesting pieces of clothing. Also, ideas from runway fashion do trickle down into actual wearable clothing.
It’s art. The same as you might go to a museum or gallery to look at paintings, people like to go to fashion shows to look at interesting pieces of clothing. Also, ideas from runway fashion do trickle down into actual wearable clothing.
Am I the only one who’s never heard of this guy before?
Actually, there is a security benefit to using fingerprint instead of just a PIN. If you use just a PIN, you have to enter it every time and someone could watch you enter it or record you on video. Faking a fingerprint is significantly more difficult.
They don’t do it just for fun, they intentionally leak false info in an attempt to discredit the media.
I’m 27 with a job and a house and I drink a glass of milk with breakfast every day (by itself, not in cereal.) I don’t care what y’all think about it.
How is a mini-map “un-Nintendo-like”? Ocarina of Time had one in 1998.
Regardless of your opinion on this incident, I think we can all agree that Twitter is the absolute worst format to read about it.
I think the views Jontron expressed are reprehensible, but I don’t think I’m going to stop watching his content. He doesn’t really bring his politics into his videos, so it’s very easy for me to separate art from artist. It doesn’t feel right for me to boycott him simply for holding certain views, although I…
Why not just use SSH, which comes standard on every Linux distribution?
James is not in any way morally obligated to risk his career participating in a protest that has nothing to do with him. It’s important to remember that even when protesting is the “right thing”, that doesn’t mean that NOT protesting is the “wrong thing”.
I’m a moderate liberatarian and I love NPR’s journalism. I don’t understand why they get stereotyped as “liberal” when there are plenty of other mainstream media outlets that have a far more obvious liberal bias.
He’s probably concussed.
I live in Washington state, so my process looks something like this:
Didn't Mythbusters do something similar to this?
Isn't he really still controlling it with his hands? I guess his nose is timing the "button presses", but his hands are still choosing which button to press.
Hey hey hey, let's not go overboard here. I eat dairy, gluten, and red meat like nobody's business, but I still think kale is fucking delicious if it's cooked right.
I find it's usually faster to press Cmd-Opt-Esc to bring up the Force Quit dialog.
So basically, it's a Youtube comment thread?