Yet another burner (Don't judge)

They will ban you for certain things but overall it is hard to get banned, we are worth clicks as these snowflakes keep coming back to defend their hurt fee fee’s and all the ads load up in their browsers because they don’t use Adblock.

You don’t even know what snowflake means.

What you don’t seem to realize is that people don’t care what you call them, it’s that you are annoying them that makes them angry. You can only insult someone with a label like cuck when they are a cuck and they know what you are saying is true. This is why you libtards get so uptight by these names and get laughed

The best thing to do is ignore them, or get your facts together and defeat them in a debate on open forums so that other can see how stupid their ideas are. Protesting and making noise only draws attention to them but gives no opposing view to show that they are wrong, the regular tsktsk crowd turns up their noses,

So what would be the point of trying to insult someone with something that they don’t understand, Nudnik?


You must get punched in the face a lot, but I doubt you have the balls to say that to anyone without a balaclava and 20 Antifa trust fund wimps around you.

Giggles won’t put food on your table when the shit hits the fan, guns will.

LoL, go ahead and try those out, nobody gives a fuck what you call them because words only hurt sissies like you.

Then why you so focused on it, cuck? You don’t even know what it means which is why you can’t use it on anyone. It would be like calling a football player a nerd, which would just make them laugh at you.

The word “shoal” in English means a large group of fish. Coincidence? I think not!

So many fragile minds in this thread, I wonder if you all felt the same seeing that mock decapitated head held up, or if you thought that was perfectly ok.

Just think of how many fewer cars will be on the road after that, could be the best way to reduce CO2 emissions.

People may read all sorts of things into anything you do, but it still looks better than pulling up some old and inappropriate post you may have made as a teen, also your friends.

I think it relies on your brain only being able to process a limited number of inputs so having completely different nerves should work better.

Depends on what you are using the Q-tip for. It probably has to do with cross-talk between your nerves as the inner ear and throat follow the same path.

I think just about everyone reading this article did that as well.

Try squeezing your left thumb.

You have some really, really good friends.