Yet another burner (Don't judge)

Can you get a 360 deg magnetically attached camera for $50 for any other fucking phone out or coming out? Mic drop.

Cleaning is not easy.

I blame government education or lack of, what ever happened to don’t buy shit you can’t afford. Even if the first guy, Woodrum had of paid the full loan he’d have been worse off. He had $4000 cash, take $2000 buy a car, keep $2000 in reserve for repairs and such, at the end of the life of the loan he would have $41000

I’m just going to throw this out there, but if Nichole and Victor can find higher paying jobs they should and people shouldn’t take low paying jobs. The truth is though that if Nichole and Victor leave that job there will be 1000 applicants the next day because pretty anyone in decent health can do it with no prior

Or the easiest way, do the shit you have to do before sitting down to play games if that doesn’t work seek counseling to get to the root of why you are avoiding your responsibilities.

what has allowed us to survive and overrun the entire planet with an ever increasing average life expectancy is apparently the worst thing we could have ever done to ourselves.

I realize that it is the people, not the religion, that goes too far, and even if you take away their religion the crazies will just find something else to latch onto, take Antifa, as an example. rational people know the difference between right and wrong, but if you give the crazies a mission like “Punching Nazis”

If you don’t believe there is a society of freeloaders then maybe you should look at some government data on how much money is spent on social programs, and I am not talking about people that genuinely need it because shit went downhill I am talking about those that decide they don’t want to work, of course, you will

Well, he didn’t really start with “because God....”, I agree though that the religion of a few (and by few I mean majority) should not dictate the laws of the rest, thank the non-existent deity that there is a separation of church and state. Though I don’t agree with abortion as a major form of birth control, mentally

That doesn’t even make sense you twat.

Yeah, you’re not at all entitled, maybe get a job like the rest of the people we like to call successful did.

Who starts with that?

Everything is the word of God even when they blow themselves up in the midst of teenage girls going to a concert. Islam is peace.

If there is truly an omnipotent being we are sitting on a booger that was expelled from his nose after a sneeze and he cares about as much as we would.

Mohammed isn’t the god he is the prophet of their God, He is also the one that says you should convert to Islam or die. If you want to see how serious they take him try handing out hand drawn pictures of him at a mosque some time and report back. Seriously though, Anita Sarkeesian says Islamaphobia is racism, so stop

I believe Mohamed was a real person, though his profession may have been made up. They do have Sharia law there which the feminists seem to admire for the liberating effect it has on women. I wonder how Libby would look in a Burka.

Now, now, enough with the Islamaphobia, Islam is a religion of peace, Pakistan is a great country especially compared to the US that why there are so many Americans trying to sneak into the country. If you really don’t like brown people you could always jump the border to Mexico the economy is really good there and

It’s not a racial thing or a kink you fucking retarded cuck.

A cuckold is the husband of an adulterous wife. In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied ... The word cuckold derives from the cuckoo bird, alluding to its habit of laying its eggs in other birds’ nests. The association is common in medieval ...

Again, cuck doesn’t mean what you think it means.