Yet another burner (Don't judge)

Actually, I had no idea what I would find when I googled “ass hammer”, but I would never judge someone for purchasing that product, though it was kind of an odd review, TMI amiright.

Actually, I had no idea what I would find when I googled “ass hammer”, but I would never judge someone for

C’mon guys quit making fun of the kid, Aspergers is a terrible thing to have to live with.

C’mon guys quit making fun of the kid, Aspergers is a terrible thing to have to live with.

So, nothing newsworthy then you are just whining or something?

Airlines have gotten too comfortable with using force to get what they want, I seriously don’t know why anyone would choose to fly anywhere if they had the choice, between the security gauntlet, power tripping employees, and shitty service, flying is an absolute last resort for me.

Did you just call for the doxxing of somebody? You are no better than the thugs at United, but I guess that’s why so many people wanted Gawker to fail, unfortunately, you guys never learned.

I think most people realize that they don’t care about minorities they just care about demonizing whites. People that are actually for equality and fair treatment don’t bring up the color of a person’s skin.

But whites are not 17 times more likely to shoot an unarmed clerk in order to rob a gas station for $30 to buy those drugs, there are more to these crime statistics than just the color of their skin.

The media does this to everyone that gets in the public eye, in case you are too racist to notice.




Then the dick chain collapses and we wait for a new generation of dicks to forget about history and start again.

So, what’s wrong with that?

What’s wrong with buying a motorcycle?

Real men don’t wear leggings!

It’s called brainwashing, it happens all the time, why else would you buy bottled water when the water from your tap is just fine? and a million other examples.

Avon, Mary Kay, Tupperware, Watkin’s, Nutrilite, Amway, etc. etc. These companies have been around since the 1930's it’s the American way, every generation is a new mark, every media is a new market, and every recession is a new group of desperate people. All the warnings, the stories of lost money, but everyone has

That seems like a lot of money for a USB powered LED strip.

That seems like a lot of money for a USB powered LED strip.
