Yet another burner (Don't judge)

You got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them...

Elon Musk has some Hugh Mungus balls, and probably really good lawyers and evidence against her. Running to the press and trying to force the issue was probably her big mistake.

I had a Dentist named Dr. Payne, he was the best dentist I had ever had, I wonder if that holds true to her.

Squeaky wheels get the grease but if the squeaking doesn’t stop it eventually gets replaced, not only that but a quick google search will let any potential new employers know exactly what they can expect from her. Good on Tesla for not caving and taking the easy way out.

Maybe Juicero will start selling single use reverse osmosis piss filters for their machines, or even some pre-loaded celebrity piss bags for that fresh squeezed high-end urine experience. Howard Hughes was truly a man ahead of his time, I guess the Hipsters could buy some of that vintage artisanal urine. I just

There are a lot of ways you could reduce the energy costs of the system, but it would likely still have a cost. Now that you mention it though, I do have 2 always on computers that go into power saving when not in use, I should probably check to see how much they use.

Now playing

It’s not back and forth, it’s just you an annoying gnat bothering a bull in a field somewhere. Here is another one in case you didn’t get the message yet.

It’s a good thing your friends weren’t into crack.

Now playing

You seem really lonely, perhaps this will help.

Would it not be easier to just stop smoking for a few weeks?

Maybe I’m just lucky or it has to do with where I live, I thought it was kind of odd that it would happen everytime I was in the hospital, but I have no idea how many they get each year.

You are the kind of crazy that gives the left a bad name, and makes most of them say “not all liberals”.

I know you mean well and I appreciate the thoughtful dialog, I do understand how it works more than you think. The difference between predicting the weather tomorrow and 50 to 500 years from now, is that it takes 50-500 years to show that the prediction was wrong. I am not saying that it isn’t getting warmer or that

I know weather and climate are not the same things, but if they can’t get the simple things right why trust them with the harder ones especially to the point of destroying the world economy. It doesn’t matter anyway, the population of the world is going to drop drastically in the next 40-60 years and that will take

A 1080m is slightly faster than a GTX 1070 as far as I can tell.

Yeah, you win right up until a grass fire burns down your neighborhood, stop being so lazy and cut your damned grass.

This kind of kooky environmentalists shit is what made me look into the whole global warming thing, though they do it with everything, right when you start to take them seriously they go too far. Anyway, now that I have looked I cannot unsee.

They only get tomorrows weather right less than 70% of the time which makes it marginally better than flipping a coin.

The battery is pretty much just a UPS in case you pull the charger cord out. Gaming laptops are for people that want higher quality gaming on the go if you spend a lot of time in a hotel with nothing to do and would rather not watch TV all day. IF you are home enough to do your gaming there then you probably won’t get