Yet another burner (Don't judge)

The lady doth protest too much.

Judge away, but I doubt you are being honest about not stealing content, but then I wouldn’t expect honesty from a thief.

Only an ignorant comment because I have never used any of the programs or services, but then I pay for the content I watch. I’m sure you are one of the 5% of legitimate users that never illegally watch content they have not paid for, but most of them are not.

Sure thing mr. no substance just insults. Come back when you gather an intelligent argument.

This method requires little or no deliberate action on the part of the user, making it all the more dangerous.

You’re right the numbers are very clear. According to NASA from 1940 to 2010 the global land-ocean temperatures rose by .45 degrees mean, from 1910 - 1940 the temperatures rose by .45 degrees mean, mind you, the year to year fluctuations can be as much as .30 degrees. During the period of 1910 -1940 there was barely

Communist and Fascist are different breeds of the same animals.

I agree with your idea of the function of government, but the reality seems to be to make people as miserable as possible but not so miserable that they actually do anything about it all while filling their pockets with our labor.

Matt Novak, you are a piece of shit, I hope you die in fire.

I don’t know if you follow the news, but capitalism isn’t working out so well, either...

Climate change is happening far faster than even the most dire predictions of 20 years ago. Right now. You have to ...

You might want to zip up. Your ignorance is showing.

I do ask those question, though the answers though are not as simplistic as you write nor are they as black and white. Your wording shows you bias though, not a problem it is just important to know you have it. Global warming is blown out of proportion, mainly after it leaves the scientific community and starts

Thanks, I’m just a skeptic.

Hey nice work. Somehow despite all the work done on this issue to managed to overreact on the part that deserves no reaction and underreact on the part that deserves a reaction. That is amazing. Bravo.

No actual examples of global warming...are you insane?

no actual examples

Surmise away, communism failed every time it has been implemented.

The onus is on you dimwit, do you even know what that means? Check your Mom’s bed, plenty of examples there.

The thing I hate the most about people like you is that you are too intellectually cowardly to frame the debate the proper way, which is that you believe in a vast political and scientific conspiracy....