Yet another burner (Don't judge)

That’s fine, spend your short time on earth shaking in fear and cowering in a basement surrounded by your emergency rations and guns, make sure you have a plan for everything because there are a lot of things that will kill you. You should probably not use the internets because they may be tracking you for the purge.

I never said it wasn’t getting warmer, there once was a mile of ice where I live right now, it has been getting warmer for 10000 years, ever seen a wooly mammoth in your front yard? There are no examples of how it is going to end the world unless you extrapolate a trickle of water into a river.

Bill Nye Fascist guy seems to ring a bit more true for that guy lately.

I don’t know Bill Nye’s economic beliefs, but even if he were a Communist, how would that be relevant to flooding in the arctic?

I’m not sure why we care about the tweets of a treasonous criminal that should have been executed as a spy except for the good grace of a Muslim president.

No actual examples?

I hope you’re not over 12 or this is sad.

Bill Nye holds a patent on wing dampeners. That he developed working with his engineering degree.

Awww did I hurt your fee-fees by insulting your favorite bow-tie wearing child abuser, maybe you can make yourself feel better by rubbing on his sex junk. 

Depends on what you mean by ‘outlast nature’. The space probes we launched will still be chunks of iron after...

I am pro-unemployment, it means fewer people driving to work.

Now we feel tempted to meet this guy half way. After all, apathy sounds pretty reasonable after that initial provocation. This bit of propaganda isn’t supposed to get you to believe his version of reality. The goal is simply to make you doubt your own.

This is a common disinformation tactic. By attacking Fox we are supposed to feel in-group bias towards you and question our initial tribalist response.

When the headline is “Permafrost keeps melting: year 10” and they show you a former tundra turned swamp, you say it’s not an actual example because we’ve heard it before.


My point was that News is all about selling advertising space and nothing sells better than “the end is nigh”, bullshit has no political bias.

Well, the quotes are from Popular science and The Guardian, not Fox News, but if you want to believe that Faux News is “Fair and Balanced” and not just another infotainment pulp fiction generator for non-liberals just because that is their company slogan, then go ahead and drink your right wing Kool-aid.

It is a beautifully warm day today, they probably all drove out to the lake in their air-conditioned Black Hummers.

!!!!!!!!! 8===D ——*