Shit Brick McGee

You’re more animal than man.

Mark Hamill is a boring old biddy.

He should just take what he needs from their boutiques and salons until he’s back on his feet.

I hope his administration gets trapped in an enclosed space with seemingly no way out and they have to end up eating each other for sustenance to survive.

I just recently discovered RetroArch and put it on my HTPC. It plays virtually every old game ever made, works perfectly with my wireless 360 controllers, has a fairly pretty interface, plus stuff like save states and customisable screen borders. It’s great; I especially like exploring the games libraries of consoles

“Make America Great Again Again”

When he woos these idiots back by bellowing some sweet little racist nothings into their ears, they’ll have to buy new hats. Profit!

I am now very concerned that my shower has its own Tumblr page...

It’s actually one of the highest rated Cable Networks in America... like ahead of CNN

What is this? Why do you think I’m trying to ‘fool’ anyone - I’m literally just reading the actual request. Any employer is better off if the world doesn’t know about this kind of dialogue, especially if the employer wants to fire an employee. Why? Because the employee can use this against them, the other employees

Is ... is that Salt Bae standing behind her in that picture?

My friend had that motion-smoothing crap turned on, and it drove me crazy. When I finally asked him how he could watch TV like that, he said he didn’t realize it was on. And when he turned it off, he said he didn’t notice any difference. I guess some people can’t see it?

Yes. It’s called the primaries. Whoever is the loudest and most most belligerent generally stays in the lead by yelling over anyone trying to make cogent arguments.

If your goal is to implement an authoritarian theocracy—which is the only thing that explains the behavior of the Republican Party for the last 30 years—anything that stands between the people and superstition, obedience, and power-worship is an obstacle to be overcome.

As a part-time copy editor, allow me to obnoxiously offer this freebie:

Let’s be honest, compared to this guy W was Gabriel Garcia Fucking Marquez

I’m thinking he or she will be a mop wearing a Reagan mask.

Of late that step is known as the “Iowa Caucus.”

“I washed your hair”

People voted for Obama just so they’d get a free homophone.