Shit Brick McGee

Guess those expensive escorts can take a night off. For once, Tarantino put his own foot in his mouth.

Next door to that is Terrible Lie golf pro shop.

The Downward Spiral Glazed Ham

That’s cool, but I already started an“I Hate Myself And Want To Dye” linen store across the street.

If a Maple Roasted Piggy is something you can never have, well now you can get down in it, served in a warm place, it’ll be a sin not to try it. Come on over and get closer to the food you crave, including fruits served ripe(with decay). and if you ask yourself “I do not want this,” then that’s just a terrible lie.

I was going to open “I Hate Myself and I Want to Die Coffee” next door.

Use the slogan “Happiness is Savory.”

“Margaritaville” is such a sad song. I don’t know how people can listen to it and decide to emulate its protagonist, who literally spends two-thirds of the song trying to convince himself that someone other than himself is to blame for his current state of despair. It’s one of the saddest drinking songs ever, right up

This is a good and correct response.

twitch streamers

You may see this addressed as quickly as the second paragraph of the intro.


The Mother Of All Sequels

The world is truly sad when a Simpson’s quote isn’t recognized in the AV Club comments.

It’s a Simpsons reference.

I appreciate the complexity and, frankly, virtuosity of kidz bop performers, but the form achieved its zenith in the 40's. I find the kidz free jazz and kidz free improv experimentation of the 60's, 70's much more interesting and enjoyable. Currently, there’s also a lot of interesting stuff going on in contemporary

It was a Simpsons reference.

This is off topic but sort of related. I saw Logan for the first time recently. What a great comic movie. Love old man Logan. Love old man Professor X. Love little girl Wolverine. Love Stephen Merchant. Just wish the villains were slightly better but still a pretty sweet movie.

Wait, Kinja’s not a court of law? Then who have I been filing all these amicus briefs with?

So he’s disguising himself as Dave Grohl to hide out? Good plan!