Shit Brick McGee

Oddly enough, they usually don’t censor the line “fell asleep inside you” which is a little too PG13 for my tastes

Which is why I’m hoping my “I hurt myself today” NIN-themed restaurants will be my ticket to the good life

The only rings Trump truly cares about are onion rings

I demand more nuance and depth from my reviews of trailers, not colored by the A.V. Club’s obvious bias against our great and supreme leader!

Or “bi”-ing the silence of the pornstar he cheated on his wife with

Specifically, with your urologist

As someone who waited tables in a mid-level restaurant, I PROMISE that any good server wants to know immediately that your food is not to your liking as long as you have some idea what remedy you would like. Does your steak need cooked more? Do you want an entirely different dish? The only time it ever bothered me

This is what happens when an old person hears about the success of twitch streamers

I miss that BONG!

That gets that specific comment out of the grays, the only way to get a person permanently out of the grays is to have a staff member (like you!) follow them. That’s why people keep bugging staff to save them from the grays. Use your power wisely, I personally would set up a paypal account for people to pay their way


lol jesus christ

yeah it is a little disconcerting, to say the least

Iraq 2: Revenge of Saddam

Finally, someone who really knows the kidz genre! I’ve been listening to a lot of kidz avante garde lately, there is so much more out there than just this overproduced, poppy kidz bop

We need another Vietnam to thin out their ranks a little

C’mon Glitch, EVERYONE knows that concern about Russian involvement in our election is just like having your wife fucked by another man.

I usually file my friend-of-the-kinja briefs with O’Neal.

Sounds like you aren’t going to the right parties then

What else would one wear with a formal leather jacket?