Shiny Chrome Witnessedbot

HA! WHAT COUNTER!? I have about three square feet of counter space.


YES. When my hair was long enough to braid, a missed bit like that would have driven me crazy. I would have been able to feel it, just sitting there at the back of my neck, TAUNTING ME.

Yes. I really want to still love her, out of love for that woman from back then. :/

Most of the girls I have taught in recent years have had the middle name “Grace.”


It was blink-and-you-miss-it in the movie, tho. If you didn’t already know that’s what was happening, you probably spent the rest of that movie and the next wondering who was caring for Hedwig while Harry went camping.

My beautiful son wrote JK a letter after I read him and his brother the bit about Dobby. He was NOT happy. I really do need to send it to her. She must see the 8-year-old angst she caused!

No. I refuse to imagine that. I may be down, but I am NOT in that horrible a space.

Clearly, they really should have asked us before naming it. What were they thinking?

I keep looking at the name of that island and reading “urethra” so, no, I really don’t want to go there.

I don’t get it, either. He has always seemed really arrogant and entitled and not at all charming to me. I still haven’t forgiven him for the standing on his cutting board incident on Iron Chef. I bet he’s a really selfish lover.

But what if he has hay fever? Everyone knows that those cats are perpetually getting random hay stuck to them.

But so far, all the repub candidates are comic relief I mean, there’s no possible way they are serious, right?

I feel you. Granted, I like movies best when someone else plays the Woody Allen.

I hate stairs. So much

I used to work at Radio Shack, and I had multiple people come in asking for advice on what to use to do exactly this. Because the flag is what YOU put up so that the mail carrier knows that you’re sending stuff; the mail carrier doesn’t put it up to alert you that there is mail for you.

Yeah, but the flag is only for the mail carrier. You put the flag up so the mail carrier knows to pick stuff up. The mail carrier doesn’t put it up to let you know that you’ve got mail.

I....... do not understand how the pictures on that board relate to each other. Things in the bathroom? But..... is that a cucumber? I am so very confused. But look at your lovely neat matting around your text!

I have applied for unemployment twice, and been denied both times because I worked for churches. Since they aren't required to pay into unemployment, their employees aren't covered. The second time was further complicated by the fact that because I was given the option to quit instead of being fired, I had technically