“Some of the items on the menu was various types of barbeque, potato salad and beans.”
“Some of the items on the menu was various types of barbeque, potato salad and beans.”
“write the most scathing break up song of all time, and call it “DEMEAN THIS.” (Song title is accompanied by jerk-off motion.)“
Yeah, that about sums it up.
Life should be all red dwarf, all the time
Because SHE went to all the right nobby schools and had the right nobby parents, of course!
Let’s see.... where I live, if I shop at the budget grocery store, the kale, cilantro, limes, avocado, yam, and jalapeno all go out the window. The romaine is neither that green, nor that fluffy. Might be best to give it a miss, especially if I’m not using it in the next couple of hours because that’s only how long it…
Right. And I’m also thinking that really, she should also have to buy that stuff in a store where someone with SNAP would be shopping. She would be very lucky to find veggies looking that good at the cheap grocery store in my neighborhood.
Oh, honey. Do you even go here? Kara has always been very vocal in her identification as a black woman. She’s not appropriating anything. Of course, I also see that she is once again smarter and classier than I am because she didn’t bother to even respond to you.
I had one smelly middle schooler once. He lived on a farm and did chores before coming into school, and didn’t really have time to shower in between. Not exactly his fault tat he didn’t smell like a daisy, and certainly not something he should have been made to feel bad about, which a list like this would have done.
I kind of want to know what logic made the girls’ list for “black and Latina girls” but the boys’ list for “young men of color”? I just.... What? Girls vs young men is bad. And i’m not qualified to speak to black and Latina vs of color, but if just doesn't feel right. One is much more specific. And finger pointy.
I hate to break it to that person, but it’s not the high schoolers, of any race, who need to be told about hygiene. By that age, ALL kids either give a shit and do a damn good job of it, sometimes erring on the side of too much “good” smelling stuff, or they don’t give a shit and no poster from an adult will make them…
Don’t worry. You have Rand to explain it to you.
No, no, no what we need when dealing with Iran or Russia or China is someone who will refuse to deal with them at all. Obvs.
Further evidence that I need to watch Veronica Mars
And yet, somehow, that seems to be exactly what a portion of America wants. Or, pardon me, what ‘Murrica wants.
Adora Belle Dearheart and the Golem Trust would like to know what you have against golems. We would ask Mr. Paul, but our chem states that we can’t harm humans.
You are dead to me.
inorite? Looking that good while dead just shouldn’t be allowed. For the bad boy zombie, either.