Personally, i dont think the radio is the place to talk about your personal issues with someone thats part of your team...
Personally, i dont think the radio is the place to talk about your personal issues with someone thats part of your team...
She’s realized it a crueller world out there for a brat.
Missed a chance to say, “who among us can throw the first scone?”
Fuuuuuuck that movie.
Well, they are half right, those are certainly cute!
Oh yeah, that one was really bad. And I accidentally own it on account of I forgot to return it to the video store.
I liked Garden State. I still like Garden State. I hated The Last Kiss with a passion. Braff didn’t direct that one though. It just seemed like he did because it had a similar feel to Garden State and came out around the same time.
do not engage! TL:DR is our new male troll! he comes on all the threads and derails and sea lions. dismiss dismiss dismiss
He than drag raced for the affections of the richest man in town’s daughter before sullenly ordering an ice cream soda at the drugstore and leaving without either eating or paying.
Why do sagging pants bother people so much? What’s the big deal?
Ah but then there are the men (I’ve known several) that insist it’s not always sexual, sometime’s it’s just a compliment (because that one girl said she appreciated it that one time). And the first thing I ask is, “Would you say that to a man? Would you go up to a random man on the street and say he looks handsome…
He actually wears denim shorts, a Hawaiian shirt, calf-length tube socks, and sandals.
On the plus side, look at those adorable hedgehogs! And that hamster!
I know, it’s depressing. Especially because actual porcupines are SO COOL.
Hahahahahaha amazing!
I know. This is the entire purpose of dating sites! There are hundreds of other sites where complimenting someone’s appearance is part of the deal! You want a date, go on match... Leave LinkedIn out of it!